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Drinking Water Cooler Parts

drinking water cooler parts

    drinking water
  • water suitable for drinking

  • Drinking water or potable water is water of sufficiently high quality that it can be consumed or used without risk of immediate or long term harm.

  • A water treated or untreated which is intended for human use and consumption and considered to be free of harmful chemicals and disease-causing bacteria, cysts, viruses or other microorganisms. See also potable water.

  • A refrigerated room

  • a refrigerator for cooling liquids

  • a cell for violent prisoners

  • An insulated container for keeping food and drink cool

  • an iced drink especially white wine and fruit juice

  • A device or container for keeping things cool, in particular

  • An element or constituent that belongs to something and is essential to its nature

  • A component of a machine

  • (part) separate: go one's own way; move apart; "The friends separated after the party"

  • (part) something determined in relation to something that includes it; "he wanted to feel a part of something bigger than himself"; "I read a portion of the manuscript"; "the smaller component is hard to reach"; "the animal constituent of plankton"

  • the local environment; "he hasn't been seen around these parts in years"

  • A piece or segment of something such as an object, activity, or period of time, which combined with other pieces makes up the whole

The Royal white Bengal tiger cooling off

The Royal white Bengal tiger cooling off

The tiger is a member of the Felidae family; the largest and the most powerful of the four "big cats" in the genus Panthera.Native to much of eastern and southern Asia. requiring large contiguous areas of habitat that support their prey demands. This, coupled with the fact that they are endemic to some of the more densely populated places on earth, has caused significant conflicts with humans. Of the nine subspecies of modern tiger, three are extinct and the remaining six are classified as endangered. The word "tiger" is taken from the Greek word "tigris", which is possibly derived from a Persian source meaning "arrow", a reference to the animal's speed and also the origin for the name of the River Tigris. There is a well-known mutation that produces the white tiger, technically known as chinchilla albinistic, an animal which is rare in the wild, but widely bred in zoos due to its popularity. The white tiger is not a separate sub-species, but only a colour variation . The only white tigers that have been observed in the wild have been Bengal tigers and all white tigers in captivity are at least part Bengal. A misconception is that white tigers are albinos, despite the fact that pigment is evident in the white tiger's stripes. They are distinct not only because of their white hue; they also have ice-blue eyes and pink noses.

Photo taken in the Samut Prakan Crocodile farm & Zoo in Thailand. I was lucky to catch this ice-blue eye white tiger taking a dip in the pool. It was a warm day 38 ÚC a good reason to swim. Camera Zoom 300 mm , 1/125s, F/4 and IS0100.

De tijger is een zoogdier dat tot de familie der katachtigen. Tijgers zijn jagende roofdieren. De meeste tijgers wonen in het bos waarvoor hun camouflagestrepen geschikt zijn en in grasland. Van de grote katten zijn de tijger en de jaguar goede zwemmers; tijgers kunnen vaak badend in vijvers, meren en rivieren worden aangetroffen. De tijger is een bedreigde diersoort die verspreid over Azië voorkomt. De enorme teruggang in aantal moet worden toegeschreven aan het steeds verder oprukken van de mens. Veel rustige natuurgebieden zijn daardoor verloren gegaan, terwijl de tijger een groot leefgebied nodig heeft.
De tijger leeft alleen en elke tijger heeft een eigen territorium. Het territorium van een vrouwtjestijger is gemiddeld zo'n 15 vierkante kilometer groot, terwijl die van een mannetjestijger veel groter is en vaak dwars door de territoria van meerdere vrouwtjes heen loopt. Ze bakenen hun territorium af met geursporen. Tijgers blijken infrageluid te produceren om rivalen uit hun territorium te verdrijven en om partners aan te trekken. Uit het onderzoek blijkt dat het geluid dat tijgers produceren veel lage frequenties bevat tot zelfs onder 20 Hz. Lage frequenties dragen in de buitenlucht veel verder dan hoge frequenties, zelfs in de dichte bosgebieden waar de tijgers leven.
Ook bestaan er "witte tijgers", alhoewel vrijwel alle witte tijgers Bengaals zijn is de witte tijger geen raszuivere soort. Deze kleurvariëteit is zeer zeldzaam in het wild, maar een populaire attractie in gevangenschap zoals hierboven in het dierenpark van Samut Prakan in Thailand.

Remember to

Remember to

Clicked this at Java Green in Kolkata. Rajat, Divya, Shruthi and me had a great time. The condensed water droplets seemed attractive for macro mode. Guess I should have clicked the whole glass and not just one part of it.

drinking water cooler parts

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Post je objavljen 30.01.2012. u 20:20 sati.