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Stationary Bikes For Kids - Bike Carrier Bag - Yamaha Dirt Bike Motor.

Stationary Bikes For Kids

stationary bikes for kids

    stationary bikes
  • (Stationary Bike) "Stationary Bike" is a novella written by Stephen King, which was originally published in the fifth edition of From the Borderlands in 2003. It was recently released as part of King's 2008 short story anthology, Just After Sunset.

  • (Stationary bike) An exercise bicycle or bike, or stationary bicycle, or Exercycle is a device with saddle, pedals, and some form of handlebars arranged as on a bicycle, but used as exercise equipment rather than transportation.

    for kids
  • 4Kids Entertainment (commonly known as 4Kids) is a Worldwide International American film and television production company. It is known for English-dubbing Japanese anime, specializing in the acquisition, production and licensing of children's entertainment around the United States.

  • The Sport Ju-Jutsu system for kids is designed to stimulate movement and to encourage the kids natural joy of moving their bodies. The kids train all exercises from Sport Ju-Jutsu but many academys leave out punches and kicks for their youngest athlethes.

  • Virtual Stadium Tours

mirrors-day 9 of 365

mirrors-day 9 of 365

So, I've seen a few of you with your lists of random things so I thought I'd give it a try... feeling a little introspective so what the heck...

Random Things About Me

1. I hate my nose... genetically it had no chance... breaking it twice made matters worse

2. I find that coffee is a solution to nearly every situation

3. If coffee doesn't work, jumping jacks do... you can't do anything but feel silly and giddy after jumping around and flailing your arms for a few...

4. I want a new tattoo but I'm waiting for my friend to come home from Iraq

5. I drive a red truck... it makes me feel tough... no, I won't help you move... what's that? free beer? okay!!!

6. I haven't had a haircut for 8 months.

7. I'm allergic to tomatoes and dairy and eggs

8. I love tomatoes and dairy and eggs

9. I embrace suffering (therefore I'll still eat pizza and pay for it for days)

10. I love Tom Petty

11. I've been covered in someone else's blood

12. I have a compulsion to nickname everyone, and given nicknames evolve constantly causing people to give me looks like "what did you just call me???" I also come up with every possible nickname for people's potential baby names... some people say I can only come up with horrible nicknames, I say kids are crueler than me and will come up with even worse ones so if they don't like mine they better pick a new name

13. I'm obsessed with keeping my floors clean... I'd vacuum and mop every day if my roommate didn't look at me like I was a crazy person every time I reach for the broom.

14. I absolutely LOVE getting something other than bills and junk mail in the mailbox. One postcard makes me happy for days :o)

15. People who ask me if I’m related to Mariah Carey piss me off… yeah, she’s my sister but in my family we all share the same first name … grrrrrr… The fact that my roomie’s name is Carey doesn’t help things either… and NO I don’t sing

16. I joined flickr to keep a friend accountable to fulfill her new years resolution to complete a 365 day project. Now I'm the one trying to complete a project and she's fallen off the face of the earth.

17. In college I adopted two cats and named them Sonny and Cher. Sonny died in a freak accident (with freakish similarity to his namesake). After that, my roomie and I ended up with one rescue cat after another and started the Beatles with George, Ringo and Lennon but for some reason we never got a Paul...hmmm... anyways, I still have Cher and Ringo... strange couple

18. I have a dog named Kimi, short for Kimimela which means butterfly in Native American, her official show name is Too Damn Cute, her nicknames are kim chi, cha chi, kimmers, scooby, goober, gumby, bisous, bonzo, dorko, and goobee... don't ask

19. I hate wearing shoes. Since my foot injury I’ve had to wear shoes more than ever and it has been miserable.

20. My favorite drink is gin and tonic… but I never object to a good beer

21. If I didn’t have to pay the bills or sleep I would write all day and all night.

22. I have trusted less than 5 people enough to let them read my writing…

23. I’ve always wanted to fall in love on vacation… the closest I ever came broke my heart

24. I learned to knit from a book published in the 50's and over phone calls from a friend several states away.

25. I knit scarves for every member of my family 2 Christmases ago… it never gets cold enough around here for scarves..

26. I have TMJ and my jaw has been locked for 12 years…

27. I slept outside in a field in Alaska… later saw the same city featured as the top spot for fatal bear encounters on “When Animals Attack”

28. The first and only fish I ever caught weighed about 40 pounds…

29. I never want to catch a fish again

30. I bite the insides of my cheeks, kind of a nervous habit

31. My favorite place on earth is Cades Cove in Tennessee

32. I like to hang my head out of the car window and look straight up into the sky, preferably on roads with overhanging tree branches (from the passenger seat of course!)

33. I have anxiety over hanging things on walls… I once had a break down over un-hangable shelves because of metal studs…

34. I borrow my friends’ husbands to hang things (and to install floors-James you are my hero!!!)

35. It’s been years since I’ve been to the beach and it’s only 45 minutes away but I think about it constantly all day :o(

36. I have taken a vow of celibacy

No, it's not a joke and it didn't start for religious reasons although my faith has been what has inspired me to keep this vow after years. Really, I got tired of complicating friendships and wasting emotions. Since most guys I've met can't even fathom waiting until the second date let alone marriage this simple vow has rooted out a lot of weeds... but it makes you wonder if there are any men that won't run away...

but on the lighter side of things...

37. I’m still mad that they turned “Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride” into “Winnie the Pooh’s Blustery Da

What Is More Important: Who You Are Or Your Reaction To Who You Say You Are? How To Hire Me As Your Coach?

What Is More Important: Who You Are Or Your Reaction To Who You Say You Are? How To Hire Me As Your Coach?

What Is More Important: Who You Are Or Your Reaction To Who You Say You Are?

This is a tricky question, so don't just shoot from the hip and leave (like you always do)... let me show you something that you probably didn't know.

I have been perturbed, I mean really bothered by the fact, that although everyone got the same activator download, the results are so different.

Some people thrive, soar, produce unpredictable and unprecedented results.

Some people didn't see any changes.

And there are all kinds of variations in the middle.

What could be the reason?

One possible reason I have explored in yesterday's post, but it doesn't answer all the questions.

Some people, when I measure, arrived to 299, yet nothing else changed. WTF!?

As usual, I asked Source for some guidance, and it came.

The first thing that came down came in a movie (The Piano) that I watched for one scene and one sentence: the woman wants to die, ties her foot to her piano that is dumped into the ocean. Once on the ocean bottom she realizes that she wants to live, unties the rope and swims to the surface. She is surprised that something in her wanted to live.

You see, having invested all I got, my business, my future into this Planetary Ascension, I am more than invested... and every little hint of failure questions my right to exist, to live on.

And... this takes us to the real issue. The issue that points out why some people thrive and others don't change at all.

I gave two coaching sessions in quick succession, and both were to people that no matter what coaching program they did, how much money they invested in their evolution, they didn't succeed to have any positive changes.

I was guided by Source to explore a particular path with them: examine crucial turning points in their lives where they decided what is going to be their life-script.

Please, stay mindful of the question in the title: we want to find out what is more important to the quality of your life, who you are or how you react to who you are? OK?

Now, let's look at three examples:

Client #1: deaf and blind. The blindness and the deafness came on around age 9. She lost all friends, all ties to life. She was contemplating ending her life. Who she was is deaf and blind.

But the story doesn't end with that. She must have decided how she was going to "react" to her deficiencies. She must have decided that she was going to be independent, and a winner. So she became a world class athlete. She was an Olympian in tandem bicycle, and even won a silver medal on one of those Olympics. She had a master's degree, she was a licensed massage therapist and earned a full time living.

Later in life she had a debilitating cycling accident where her scull shattered, she had a stroke... but she got on the stationary bike and didn't allow life to beat her... Recently she wrote her life story, and was preparing to partake in the Race Across America cycling challenge, when she fell down the stairs and never woke up again.

Client #2: was born unwanted. His mother was angry: she didn't want another child.

He decided that she will have to pay for that, and started a life of getting into trouble... first he broke a bone, regularly, in his body, then got into other troubles, like becoming ostracized, losing money, then lost all his money, then lost his livelihood.

He'd taken lots of courses, coaching programs, healing modalities, to no avail.

The activation didn't do much for him. His script is still making his mother pay...

Client #3: at an early age he didn't stand up for himself,
and allowed a bully to take what he could, and trample him to the ground. He decided that he was a gutless nincompoop.

He decided that he'd rather get into trouble for not doing what he needs to do than being called that again.

He is busy, he is trying, but he never actually does what he needs to do. Even in the conversation: he wants to be off the hook. He feels slippery, like a fish... avoiding being pinned down. I needed to use my empathic abilities to guide me, because he wouldn't.

He takes copious notes but never takes an action that could reveal that he is a gutless thing. He has just enough to get by... ultimately showing what he most tries to hide, that his script is to not be willing to stand up to life.

Because success is a result of action, and action is consistent with your reaction to who you are (or decided you are) if your reaction was consistent with successful action, you are successful. If it wasn't you aren't.

Case #1 had a decision for success. Case #2 and Case #3 had no room for success in their decision, and therefore are both unsuccessful.

Bummer... You see, we are all trying to work on who we are, but you see that is almost irrelevant: what is relevant for your success is how you decided to react to who you said you were... ((to complicate things, what you said about yourself doesn't hold any water, it is not tru

stationary bikes for kids

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Post je objavljen 28.01.2012. u 13:04 sati.