(Top treatment) A décorative window treatment that is used to cover hardware from an undertreatment.
Decorative treatments mounted above a window, including cornices and valances, and which come in a number of materials.
Long curtains of heavy fabric
The artistic arrangement of clothing in sculpture or painting
cloth gracefully draped and arranged in loose folds
Cloth coverings hanging in loose folds
Drapery is a general word referring to cloths or textiles (Old French drap, from Late Latin drappus). It may refer to cloth used for decorative purposes - such as around windows - or to the trade of retailing cloth, originally mostly for clothing, formerly conducted by drapers.
curtain: hanging cloth used as a blind (especially for a window)
Oxford Valance
This Oxford Valance was designed to frame the window but not block any of the beautiful country view. It is all one piece and wraps around the corners of the bump out to unify all four windows. The different height of the swags was added for interest and to mask the different heights of the windows. This is another example of what you can do with custom treatments...almost anything!
Moreland Valances
Installing just top treatments adds color and interest to the windows without making the room feel heavy as panels would have done in this room