The Lone Ranger is an American radio and television show created by George W. Trendle and developed by Fran Striker.
(pendant) an adornment that hangs from a piece of jewelry (necklace or earring)
(pendant) pendent: held from above; "a pendant bunch of grapes"
A necklace with such a piece of jewelry
A light designed to hang from the ceiling
A piece of jewelry that hangs from a chain worn around the neck
(pendant) chandelier: branched lighting fixture; often ornate; hangs from the ceiling
Dapple Gray Circle
Sterling Silver Horse Pendant
Dapple Gray
This is from my guest artist series featuring artist Dianne Dakowicz [link]
Where I take Diannnes drawn artwork, add my touch and recreate it into sterling Silver Jewelry.
Her beautiful artwork translates perfectly into jewelry, and fits with my own style and interest.
Sterling Silver Atena
This is a Sterling Silver Pendant of the Friesian Filly Atena (Fridse x Wibe) Created from the photo by Jessica Mendoza from the farm Wish Upon a Ster located in Maryland