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How To Change Photo Background To White. Canon Photo Software.

How To Change Photo Background To White

how to change photo background to white

  • The area or scenery behind the main object of contemplation, esp. when perceived as a framework for it

  • The part of a picture or design that serves as a setting to the main figures or objects, or that appears furthest from the viewer

  • the part of a scene (or picture) that lies behind objects in the foreground; "he posed her against a background of rolling hills"

  • A position or function that is not prominent or conspicuous

  • understate the importance or quality of; "he played down his royal ancestry"

  • a person's social heritage: previous experience or training; "he is a lawyer with a sports background"

    to change
  • is the process of segmenting the continuous thread by Lachesis, measuring being the essence of dividing the continuum into recognizable parts.

  • Approaching such a color; very pale

  • Morally or spiritually pure; innocent and untainted

  • whiten: turn white; "This detergent will whiten your laundry"

  • Of the color of milk or fresh snow, due to the reflection of most wavelengths of visible light; the opposite of black

  • a member of the Caucasoid race

  • being of the achromatic color of maximum lightness; having little or no hue owing to reflection of almost all incident light; "as white as fresh snow"; "a bride's white dress"

Keeping My Mind Off My Loss

Keeping My Mind Off My Loss

My loss is an upper left tooth and all its roots during oral surgery on Friday. A loss is a loss... I am in denial, I suppose.

To change the subject, I changed the background color from grey to something else: At first, I tried to follow Joe Bodnar's recommendation abuut working in Picasa 3. However, I got lazy. I did not load all the photos inthe set of Explored photos as Joe recommended.
Instead, I altered various settings, treating the layou as a normal photo within Picasa 3.

The tonal values of all the photos has been altered,. However, the change is interesting . And it is such a pleasure to have darkened the grey background considerably...

1. MIT's Frank Gehry Affecting Tucson? Hmmm... Makes you wonder!, 2. ¦ Young Ballet Dancers In Studio ~~ Having Fun ~~ Mugging For The Camera, 3. Mandelbrot Fractal Meets Escher Tesselation "Hands-On" In a Dimensional Distortion Field The Uncertainty of How We Should Or Must View Dimensionality Itself , 4. Karina Ballerina Airborne-01 - A Picture Within A Picture - Student and Teacher, 5. Unnamed Melody ~~ Last White Summer Flower of 2011 In Tucson? ~~ Garlic vs Rose~~, 6. Stablized Shadow ^_^ Without Wall Fixture ^_^ - {Explored July 15th}, 7. 100_7052- Heart Healthy Breakfast, 8. Norman Walker's "The Sacred Path",

9. My Cardiac Surgery - News Update #3, 10. 100_6270 Gobi Desert Beauty :: First White Hollyhock of 2011, 11. Cup of Rose Tea, 12. Bokeh Bubbles, 13. Cholla Cactus Trunk and Arms Remain Standing, 14. First Perennial Pollen of 2011 - Into The Heart Of Darkness, 15. ~~ Racked and Stacked ~~, 16. Inspecting Tutus With Multi-Spectral Lights,

17. White Winter Rose, 18. Red Bird In Paradise Finds No Free Lunch, 19. Bee's Dream, 20. Young Ballet Dancers - IMG_1747_2, 21. Shadow Falls On First Yellow Canna Blooming In 2010, 22. ~ Sophie Dancing ~ Monday Ballet Class Waltz, 23. Jacaranda Blossoms Herald Spring 2010, 24. Hosed Keyholed Posed Cajoled Rosed,

25. Evolution ~A Dancer's Progress or ~Ascent Of Ballerinas, 26. The Last Japanese Iris Flower of 2009? - Yes Really, 27. Barnes and Noble al fresco :: iPhone does Starbucks, 28. Desert Sunrise With Sodium Lamp, 29. A Shot At The Barre, 30. a perfect dose of sunshine, 31. Posing With Silly Faces, 32. Fabric at SAS,

33. Kaley In Cecily's Rodeo: Kick-2, 34. Elegant Ballet Birds, 35. Remember The Hands, 36. Chic 's Pentagon of Ballerinas in First Arabesque in Genuine Fractals 6, 37. Emma Delighted-2, 38. Miss Megan and Her Lemmings, 39. Unfolding Sacred Datura Flower, 40. Deborah in 2007 Dress Rehearsal,

41. Yellow Autumn, 42. Pointe Class Posing in Sous Sus Croisse Arm Fifth en Haut, in Shiny New First Pink Satin Pointe Shoes!, 43. Ben and Alana's Wedding

Created with fd's Flickr Toys

Sand Dunes, Oceano (White Dune) by Edward Henry Weston (1936)

Sand Dunes, Oceano (White Dune) by Edward Henry Weston (1936)

Edward Henry Weston was born in Highland Park, Illinois on March 24, 1886. He received his first camera (a Kodak Bull’s Eye No. 2) on his sixteenth birthday. Upon receiving his new camera, Weston began taking photographs in Chicago as well as his aunt’s farm. In 1903, roughly a year after he began taking photographs with his new camera, the Chicago Art Institute started to exhibit his photos. It wasn’t until 1922 that Weston’s perspective of art photography started to change. He renounced the idea of pictorialism photography and adopted straight photography instead. Weston became known as the “pioneer of precise and sharp presentation.” His main focus for photographs were natural forms; people, plants, vegetables, seashells, and landscapes. Having strong beliefs in the new idea of straight photography, Weston, along with other famous photographers such as Ansel Adams, co-founded Group f/64 in 1932. The group received this name based off of the smallest aperture setting which would provide maximum depth of field to photos, which would help to create a more clear and sharper view of both the background and foreground. In 1937, Weston became the first photographer to receive the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation award. Throughout his career, Weston produced many books and received exclusive commissions. Weston included his photographs in Walt Whitman’s Leaves of Grass in order to illustrate the poetry.
Edward Weston’s photograph Sand Dunes, Oceano (White Dunes) is one of Weston’s more famous pieces. It was taken in 1936, several years after Weston dismissed pictorialism and followed the straight photography views. The subject matter for this photograph isn’t as much the actual sand dune as it is the sand being swept around and how its movement is ever-changing. With each movement, the sand is able to shift into a new position, creating a completely new and different image than it was before. Because this photograph contains elements of straight photography, details in the texture of the sand and its movement are easily noted.

how to change photo background to white

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Post je objavljen 13.12.2011. u 21:59 sati.