Dugo sam čekala trenutak kad ću moći strpati par redova silne "mudrosti" na ovaj mali blogek,no u međuvremenu se dogodio kolaps...više ne vidim zašto bih pisala niti kome...čudno je to pošto ima razdoblja kada mogu pisati o apsolutno svemu,takva razdoblje se obično protegnu ne samo na pisanje bloga već na općenito veći dio aspekata moga života kao što su moji prijatelji,obitelj,dečko,hobiji,no trenutno mi nije do ničega,možda zbog ružnog vremena vani...da,vjerovatno jer je danas iznimno ružna oblačna subota ili,a ne znam zapravo...samo je takav dan...kiša se uvijek pojavi kad je najmanje trebaš...
The Rain Comes Falling Down
[music: Tenkula & SENTENCED, lyrics: Lopakka]
now every single cloud becomes a raging storm
as I go seeking for the one I used to live for'
since your love was taken away
my heart's been beating empty beats
well, it will end tonight'
-the blade shall set me free
a steady hand with this sharpened cold steel
will help me wipe away this pain that I feel
the rain comes falling down
my life flows to the ground
no longer feeling the pain
my flame now fading away
the rain comes falling down
my life flows to the ground
no longer feeling the pain
my flame now fading away
so here I'm lying on these dead and bloody autumn leaves
waiting for death to take me where I want to be'
a steady hand with this sharpened hard steel
will help me wipe away this agony I feel
the rain comes falling down
my life flows to the ground
no longer feeling the pain
my flame now fading away
the rain comes falling down
my life flows to the ground
no longer feeling the pain
these leaves now becoming my grave
no longer feeling the flame
no longer feeling the rain...
subota, 09.02.2008.
Post je objavljen 13.05.2011. u 01:06 sati.