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Area Rugs Wool

area rugs wool

    area rugs
  • A rug that covers only a part of a floor in a room

  • Rugs are also woven or felted from fibers, but are smaller than the room in which they are located, have a finished edge, and usually lie over another finished floor such as wood flooring.

  • (Area Rug) A rug intended to cover a limited area of a floor. Area rugs come in a variety of different materials, including wool, leather, silk and more.

  • (area rug) a rug that only covers part of the floor of a room; a carpet

  • a fabric made from the hair of sheep

  • fiber sheared from animals (such as sheep) and twisted into yarn for weaving

  • outer coat of especially sheep and yaks

  • The fine soft curly or wavy hair forming the coat of a sheep, goat, or similar animal, esp. when shorn and prepared for use in making cloth or yarn

  • Yarn or textile fiber made from such hair

  • A thing resembling such hair in form or texture, in particular

Wool Poppet V - Made With Handspun Wool-sold

Wool Poppet V - Made With Handspun Wool-sold

- Made with 100% artisan dyed wool, handspun by hand by us;
- Two beaded dangles, one with a pentacle charm and the other with a snowflake charm; the pentacle represents protection and empowerment, and the snowflake stand for purity and transformation.
- One feather charm with two guinea feathers; feathers represent freedon and manifestation of wishes, and guineas are sacred animals to many Orishas.
- Beaded necklace with Aurora Borealis glass, which improves connections with the Spirits, and a cowrie shell. Cowrie shells are an essential charm in all African-origin religions, and is a symbol of wealth, as it was used as money.
- Each doll has a long wool cord so you can hang it wherever you want.

Uses of charm poppets:
- to represent the recipient of any kind of spell;
- to be given to your patron deity as an offering, or when asking for guidance ad protection;
- to be kept in the garden to represent nature's Devas;
- to be used as a luck charm;
- to be given as a luck charm to someone who needs extra protection.

Wool from Aecy

Wool from Aecy

I got this beautiful wool from Aecy and I am trying it on the embellisher

area rugs wool

See also:

laying carpet on carpet

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rug fabric

colorful kitchen rugs

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Post je objavljen 06.12.2011. u 14:56 sati.