Carpet cleaning, for beautification, and the removal of stains, dirt, grit, sand, and allergens can be achieved by several methods, both traditional and modern.
(carpet cleaner) foam or liquid soap used on rugs and carpets
(detergent) a cleansing agent that differs from soap but can also emulsify oils and hold dirt in suspension
Any additive with a similar action, e.g., an oil-soluble substance that holds dirt in suspension in lubricating oil
A water-soluble cleansing agent that combines with impurities and dirt to make them more soluble and differs from soap in not forming a scum with the salts in hard water
(detergent) having cleansing power
(detergent) a surface-active chemical widely used in industry and laundering
1984 Toyota Tercel 4WD Wagon
Wide view of interior with most trim and carpeting removed. Shortly after this photo was taken, I used undiluted Zep pressure washer detergent (Home Depot) and a brush to clean the entire interior. I removed the moisture barrier plastic from the doors and sprayed the mechanisms in the doors. I used 140 degrees hot water and a hose to flush the interior including the door interiors. The car was left in the sun to dry and returned to the garage.
In this region that has lots of natural, flowing water people used this particular system to do their laundry. Water is ejected with high pressure into this conical, wooden barrel and the force of flowing water does the rest. No soap, no detergents. Some of these facilities are still operational and used for the washing of carpets and blankets that are hard to clean at home.