Fridges on sale : 12v freezer : Defrosting a mini fridge.
Fridges On Sale
If an inventor places his or her invention on sale more than one year before a U.S. patent application is filed, then a valid patent cannot be obtained. This is sometimes referred to as the on-sale bar to a patent.
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Licensing laws of the United Kingdom regulate the sale and consumption of alcohol, with separate legislation for England and Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland being passed, as necessary, by the UK parliament, the Northern Ireland Assembly, and the Scottish Parliament respectively.
A refrigerator is a cooling apparatus. The common household appliance (often called a "fridge" for short) comprises a thermally insulated compartment and a heat pump—chemical or mechanical means—to transfer heat from it to the external environment (i.e.
(fridge) electric refrigerator: a refrigerator in which the coolant is pumped around by an electric motor
A refrigerator
(Fridge (advertisement)) Fridge is a 2006 television and print advertising campaign launched by Diageo to promote canned Guinness-brand stout in the United Kingdom. The campaign was handled by advertising agency Abbott Mead Vickers BBDO.
36/366 - fridge
It was about 10:30 when it dawned on me that I hadn't taken a single photo today (Ack!) so this is what under pressure got me. I chose the fridge since I had just gotten back from my Tuesday night (my usual) shopping trip - it's a good sign for my day
Ricky Sinz on SAL-E's Fridge
I put up all my Friends pictures on my Fridge like a little kid puts up their school projects up....So every time I am on the stove making something Ricky looks down to see if everything is OK.