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Wheel Horse Red Square

wheel horse red square

    wheel horse
  • Wheel Horse was a manufacturer of outdoor and garden power equipment, including lawn and garden tractors. The company's headquarters were in South Bend, Indiana.

  • A horse harnessed nearest the wheels of a vehicle

  • A responsible and hardworking person, esp. an experienced and conscientious member of a political party

  • a draft horse harnessed behind others and nearest the wheels of a vehicle

  • An intimate friend, one's right hand man.

    red square
  • A large square in Moscow next to the Kremlin. In existence since the late 15th century, under communism the square was the scene of great parades celebrating May Day and the October Revolution

  • Red Square is a crime novel by Martin Cruz Smith, set in the Soviet Union in the year 1991. It is a sequel to Gorky Park and Polar Star and features Investigator Arkady Renko.

  • Red Square (@0A=0O ?;>I04L, Krasnaya ploshchad’) is a city square in Moscow. The square separates the Kremlin, the former royal citadel and currently the official residence of the President of Russia, from a historic merchant quarter known as Kitai-gorod.

  • Red Square was a free improvising band from Southend-on-Sea, Essex, England during the 1970s.

Taormina - The Sicilian cart

Taormina - The Sicilian cart

The Sicilian cart (or carretto Siciliano in Italian and carrettu Sicilianu in Sicilian or carretti (plural)) is an ornate, colorful style of horse or donkey-drawn cart native to the island of Sicily, in Italy.The carts were introduced to the island by the ancient Greeks. Carts reached the height of their popularity in the 1920s, when many thousand were on the island. Miniature carts, or Carrettino Siciliano, are often sold in Sicily (or in Italian shops and restaurants in other countries) as souvenirs. The Museo del Carretto Siciliano, in Terrasini, in the province of Palermo, is a museum dedicated to the carts.
Sicilian wood carver, George Petralia states, that horses were mostly used in the city and flat plains, while donkeys or mules were more often used in rough terrain for hauling heavy loads.The cart has two wheels and is primarily handmade out of wood with iron metal components. Carts are used for hauling miscellaneous light loads, such as produce, wood, wine, and people, called "Carretto del Lavoro" (cart for work) and also carts for festive occasions such as weddings and parades called "Carretto de Gara'. The Carretto is like the 'taxi' or 'truck' of today.
The Sicilian Carretto is made in several provinces in Sicily each with their own style. Carretti made in the province of Palermo have more of a square box design, those made in Catania are made with more elaborate 'keys', and then there are the carts made in Agrigento which have their own distinctive style.The craft of making the carts is handed down from generation to generation, through the training of apprentices. Carts are known for being covered in carvings and brightly painted scenes from Sicilian history and folklore as well as intricate geometrical designs. These scenes also served the purpose of conveying historical information to those who were illiterate. The colors of Palermo's flag, yellow and red, feature prominently on the carts, along with details in bright blues and greens. The animals pulling the carts are often elaborately adorned as well.

Il Carretto siciliano (in siciliano carrettu) e un mezzo a trazione equina adibito al trasporto merci, in uso in tutto il territorio siciliano dal XIX secolo fino alla seconda meta del XX secolo, quando divenne obsoleto a causa della crescente motorizzazione del lavoro nelle campagne. Costruito con diverse qualita di legno, spesso fregiato da intagli bucolici e sgargianti decorazioni pittoriche, al giorno d'oggi e divenuto oggetto d'arte artigianale, nonche uno dei simboli dell'iconografia folcloristica siciliana.
Il carretto e composto dal fonnu di cascia, cioe il pianale di carico prolungato anteriormente e posteriormente da due tavulazzi, sul quale sono montati parallelamente due masciddari (dal siciliano mascidda, "mascella") ovvero le sponde fisse del carretto, e un putteddu (portello posteriore) removibile per agevolare le operazioni di carico e scarico. Ogni masciddaru e suddiviso equamente in due scacchi (i riquadri in cui vengono dipinte le scene), nel putteddu invece vi e uno scacco centrale fra due scacchi piu piccoli. Gli scacchi sono divisi da un segmento verticale che congiunge i pannelli al fonnu di cascia: 6 in legno chiamati barruni equamente divisi fra masciddari e putteddu, due in metallo denominati centuni presenti solo sui masciddari.Questa sezione "contenitiva" sormonta il gruppo portante del carretto chiamato traino, il quale comprende le aste e la cascia di fusu, a sua volta costituita da una sezione di legno intagliato sormontata da un arabesco di metallo. Nei carretti alla patrunali meno pregiati, la preziosa cascia di fusu viene sostituita dalle balestre.
Fra le aste sotto i tavulazzi vengono montate due parti in legno chiamate chiavi, una anteriore ed una posteriore. La prima altro non e che una semplice barra ricurva, la seconda invece consiste in un bassorilievo intagliato rappresentante una scena, solitamente cavalleresca, che puo assumere diversi gradi di pregevolezza.
Ciascuna delle due ruote e composta da 12 raggi definiti in siciliano iammozzi (iammi, "gambe") che congiungono il mozzo al cerchione, spesso arricchiti da intagli a fitte sezioni parallele (imposti) o addirittura soggetti scolpiti quali fiori, aquile, sirene, o teste di paladino.
Il carretto assume caratteristiche diverse a seconda della zona in cui viene prodotto.
Nel palermitano il carretto presenta sponde trapezoidali, una tinta di fondo gialla e decorazioni prevalentemente geometriche. I temi rappresentati sugli scacchi variano tra cavalleresco e religioso, realizzati nelle tonalita basilari del rosso, del verde, del giallo e del blu, le sfumature sono ridotte all'essenziale e la prospettiva bidimensionale. Spesso nel palermitano le balestre sono preferite alla cascia di fusu, intagli e pitture mantengono l'aspetto naif tipico del carretto siciliano.
Nel catanese le sponde sono rettangolari, la tinta di fondo rossa come la lava dell'Etna e gli

If you're gonna be miserable, do it with friends!

If you're gonna be miserable, do it with friends!

The idea is that you don't make them miserable as well - you CHEER UP!

I thought it was only fitting to leave Rome where I started - right back at the beginning of this set with the lonely wretched horse in St Peter's Square.

Here's the truth of it - he wasn't really alone - I just framed it that way. Yes it's wet and a wee bit chilly, but those carriage drivers were always checking the covers & blankets were doing their job, along with a firm scratch of muzzle and what sounded like soothing words. Sometime soon, the sun along with the tourist hoardes, will come out - for about nine months! Then these horses will be grateful for a rest and cool temperatures, grass is always greener eh? (Not that you'd find any in St Peter's Square!)

Until next time then, that's the end of the Rome Set - not bad output for two days in the winter. Thanks for making it so much fun.


wheel horse red square

See also:

used fifth wheel travel trailers for sale

where to buy steel wheels

the original club steering wheel lock

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ssr wheel center caps

water wheel bath toy

Post je objavljen 30.11.2011. u 22:28 sati.