(shutter) a mechanical device on a camera that opens and closes to control the time of a photographic exposure
(shutter) close with shutters; "We shuttered the window to keep the house cool"
Close the shutters of (a window or building)
The hard fibrous material that forms the main substance of the trunk or branches of a tree or shrub
the hard fibrous lignified substance under the bark of trees
United States film actress (1938-1981)
A golf club with a wooden or other head that is relatively broad from face to back (often with a numeral indicating the degree to which the face is angled to loft the ball)
Such material when cut and used as timber or fuel
forest: the trees and other plants in a large densely wooded area
Stain Wood Shutter
Shutters offer unmatched durability and versatility with a wide range of design options, colors, and louver sizes.
Stain Wood Shutter
Shutters provide the richness and warmth coupled with the practicality and durability of engineered vinyl or wood.