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Front Wheel Bearing Diagnosis

front wheel bearing diagnosis

    wheel bearing
  • A bearing or bearing assembly located at each wheel allowing the wheel to spin around the axle with minimal wear and friction. Front wheel bearings are contained within the hub, and are sometimes integral to the hub. A wheel bearing set consists of an inner and outer bearing.

  • The distinctive characterization in precise terms of a genus, species, or phenomenon

  • (diagnose) determine or distinguish the nature of a problem or an illness through a diagnostic analysis

  • (diagnose) subject to a medical analysis

  • The identification of the nature of an illness or other problem by examination of the symptoms

  • identifying the nature or cause of some phenomenon

  • The side or part of an object that presents itself to view or that is normally seen or used first; the most forward part of something

  • The forward-facing part of a person's body, on the opposite side to their back

  • front(a): relating to or located in the front; "the front lines"; "the front porch"

  • The position directly ahead of someone or something; the most forward position or place

  • the side that is forward or prominent

  • be oriented in a certain direction, often with respect to another reference point; be opposite to; "The house looks north"; "My backyard look onto the pond"; "The building faces the park"

Facial Diagnosis III

Facial Diagnosis III

A = the lines just below or at the bottom of the eye bags indicate liver health. Prominent lines may indicate an irritated liver

B = the middle section of the nose indicates digestive and stomach health

C = The tip of the nose indicates heart health. Lots of broken capillaries may indicate heart problems past or present

D = nostrils. In TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) the nostrils allow chi to enter the body, therefore the wider the nostrils the more chi or life force energy is available to the body, so the bigger the nostrils the better off you are

E = cheeks are divided into triangles with upper, middle and lower sections. The upper sections correspond to the upper portion of the lungs, the middle to the middle and the lower to the lower. Left cheek to left lung, right cheek to right lung. The color indicates the state of health.

F = filtrum, that little divet just in between and below your nostrils and above your lips. If it is perfectly vertical, then it indicates good health. If it wrinkles, then reproductive health is poor. If it is at an angle, the person had poor health as a child. If it is close together it may indicate poor stomach health.

**I have done my best to truthfully share what I know about facial diagnosis, but that said I feel I should point out that this is only my second year studying herbs. These crude drawings are merely an attempt to illustrate a few basic points about facial diagnosis. These drawings do not provide a comprehensive analysis. These drawings and their attendant text descriptions are not intended to be used as diagnostic tools, and I disclaim all responsibility for their misuse as such. The hands, feet, fingernails, tongue, ears, eyes, pulse, and client interview are used to diagnosis as well as the face. I was taught that illness needs to be diagnosed from at least three different sources to be accurate. These drawings are essentially my class notes. My only intension in making them public is to share the limited and incomplete knowledge I continue to accrue as a novice student of herbalism, not to create the impression that I am an expert, professional or experienced herbalist. If anything, I hope these pictures serve as an inducement to seek professional level knowlege, training and literature from the most credible and experienced sources.**

Facial Diagnosis

Facial Diagnosis

A = lines between edge of nostrils and corners of upper lip indicate good liver health

B = The color of the lips indicate the state of health. Herbalists differ on how to divide the lips. Upper lip can be used to ascertain stomach health. The lower lip can be used to ascertain the health of the larrge intestine. OR the lips can be divided vertically.

C = the area from the corners of the lower lip to the chin indicate reproductive health. Lots of blemishes indicate fertility. Prominent lines extending from the lipd downward can be interpreted as an induicator of strong intuitive abilities.

D = dots or dimples at the corners of the lower lip indicate the health of the duodenum, part of the small intestine.

E = neck lines indicate thyroid problems

F = distance between the ears and the head indicate personality tendencies. Ears that stick out may indicate athletic tendencies (see picture) whereas ears close to the head indicate a more intellectual personality. These are generalizations.

**I have done my best to truthfully share what I know about facial diagnosis, but that said I feel I should point out that this is only my second year studying herbs. These crude drawings are merely an attempt to illustrate a few basic points about facial diagnosis. These drawings do not provide a comprehensive analysis. These drawings and their attendant text descriptions are not intended to be used as diagnostic tools, and I disclaim all responsibility for their misuse as such. The hands, feet, fingernails, tongue, ears, eyes, pulse, and client interview are used to diagnosis as well as the face. I was taught that illness needs to be diagnosed from at least three different sources to be accurate. These drawings are essentially my class notes. My only intension in making them public is to share the limited and incomplete knowledge I continue to accrue as a novice student of herbalism, not to create the impression that I am an expert, professional or experienced herbalist. If anything, I hope these pictures serve as an inducement to seek professional level knowlege, training and literature from the most credible and experienced sources.**

front wheel bearing diagnosis

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Post je objavljen 30.11.2011. u 10:27 sati.