A cheap helmet, typically not DOT or Snell-approved head protection device. We will visit you in the dirt garden.
A flower pot or plant pot is a container (such as a pot) in which flowers and other plants are cultivated. Historically, and still to a significant extent today, they are made from terra cotta. Flower pots are now often made from plastic, wood, stone, or sometimes biodegradable material.
Shock or excite (someone), typically into taking action
Coat (iron or steel) with a protective layer of zinc
(galvanization) either the work of covering with metal by the use of a galvanic current or the coating of iron with zinc to protect it from rusting
(galvanizing) electric: affected by emotion as if by electricity; thrilling; "gave an electric reading of the play"; "the new leader had a galvanic effect on morale"
(galvanization) stimulation with a galvanic current
my Verner Panton flower pot
My Verner Panton "Flower Pot" which I bought for just 2 $ at a flea market some years ago... I really just wanted the wire, but as I saw the interest in my lamp I had a second look and saw it was a Verner Panton.. 2 people wanted to buy it from me at the flea market, but it wasn't for sale! ;)
PlasticFlowers-Geraniums & Zinnias
Flower sculptures are made of plastic banner fabric, tablecoths, garbage bags, flower pot saucers, lanyard lacing, bathroom cups, beads, cable ties; hardware cloth and galvanized wire, pvc pipe.
Installed in front of the Visitors' Center at Meijer Gardens