Little Shop Of Horrors Flower - Hub City Florist - Hydrangea Macrophylla Bouquet Rose.
Little Shop Of Horrors Flower
Little Shop was a 1991 animated television series about a teenager and a giant talking plant that ate everything in sight.
(horror) something that inspires dislike; something horrible; "the painting that others found so beautiful was a horror to him"
A thing causing such a feeling
An intense feeling of fear, shock, or disgust
A literary or film genre concerned with arousing such feelings
(horror) intense and profound fear
(horror) repugnance: intense aversion
(of a plant) Produce flowers; bloom
Be in or reach an optimum stage of development; develop fully and richly
Induce (a plant) to produce flowers
bloom: produce or yield flowers; "The cherry tree bloomed"
reproductive organ of angiosperm plants especially one having showy or colorful parts
a plant cultivated for its blooms or blossoms
Cymbidium AKA Little Audrey...
feed me Seymore... I'm STAAAAAAARVIN'!!!
When I took this, I saw simply a flower, but once I got in on the computer, it resembled a mouth more and more... perhaps I need to lay off the Diet Dew while processing??