A bicycle helmet is a helmet intended to be worn while riding a bicycle. They are designed to attenuate impacts to the skull of a cyclist in falls while minimizing side effects such as interference with peripheral vision.
The Schwinn Bicycle Company was founded by German-born mechanical engineer Ignaz Schwinn (1860-1945) in Chicago in 1895, became the dominant manufacturer of American bicycles through most of the 20th century and is now an out-sourced sub-brand of Pacific Cycle, currently owned by the multi-
Since 1895, America's bicycle brand
Bike Helmet - Front
Mercurialmagpie made me get a bike helmet for when I ride my Schwinn cruiser (with fenders, crome skull hand grips and valve caps, of course) since we live off a main highway. Could I have a normal looking hemet? No. So I added bomber goggles to the front and the sugar skull that is the Sacred City Derby Girls logo to the back. I am thinking that Buck Rogers lightning wings are next for the helmet, but then I will need a ray gun for the bike and so on. She should have left well enough alone and let me ride the bike with my pomade styled hair not moving in the wind.
schwinn sierra 21
my first bike in, what, 20 years? I am so excited. I wish I didn't have to wear the helmet but I won't be stupid, I will wear the helmet.