Metric bike exhaust - New balance 7.5 r recumbent bike - Rocket dirt bike.
Metric Bike Exhaust
Expound on, write about, or explore (a subject or options) so fully that there is nothing further to be said or discovered
gases ejected from an engine as waste products
system consisting of the parts of an engine through which burned gases or steam are discharged
wear out completely; "This kind of work exhausts me"; "I'm beat"; "He was all washed up after the exam"
Drain (someone) of their physical or mental resources; tire out
Use up (resources or reserves) completely
A system or standard of measurement
measured: the rhythmic arrangement of syllables
Metric units, or the metric system
A binary function of a topological space that gives, for any two points of the space, a value equal to the distance between them, or to a value treated as analogous to distance for the purpose of analysis
metric function: a function of a topological space that gives, for any two points in the space, a value equal to the distance between them
based on the meter as a standard of measurement; "the metric system"; "metrical equivalents"
A bicycle or motorcycle
motorcycle: a motor vehicle with two wheels and a strong frame
bicycle: a wheeled vehicle that has two wheels and is moved by foot pedals
bicycle: ride a bicycle
Vincent Tech Info 4
The second auto advance and retard died in Latvia but by then I knew just what to do (or so I thought!) and had the bike running again in no time at all. All went well for a while until after an hour running I noticed oil coming from the top rear section of the timing cover. I stopped the bike to see if it had made its way to my new rear tyre and was waiting for me to turn right. It had! I stopped and tightened the screws - which didn't work - then stopped again and took it all apart. There was a two inch piece of gasket missing (or so I thought) In reality it had dropped down the side of the gearbox cover and got stuck on some oil. I was convinced it was lost so I put it all back togther without any gasket using only Wellseal and as I started the engine the peice fell to the floor. Grrr! Later it started leaking once again but only a bit so I waited until we did a hundred miles more and did it properly.
I lost a front tank bolt on a Sunday moring in Estonia. I used one from the exhaust pipe where it meets the silencer, replacing that one with a smaller one whilst the exhaust was off in Latvia. (Graham was impressed as he thought we would not get back to England with only one bolt at the front. Grahams suggestion was to wrap a small peice of the economist around a metric bolt and screw it in, which is what you can expect from a BMW owner.
Carbs went out of balance just as we entered Tallinn in Estonia (or so I thought). What had happened was that the cables had loosened enough for the outer of one of them to catch on the adjuster, therefore opening one carb before the other. Once realised, it was easily sorted. Now the bike once again will pull cleanly from 34 miles an hour in top gear. (It never did that back home).
The digital speedo has come back to life giving a fair approximation of my speed in kph.
All these niggling problems have been causing me lack of sleep which just adds to my well balanced veiw of the world when I'm at the side of the road. This is further enhaced by Graham's constant spouting on about the history of Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, or Finland or wherever we happen to be at the time of the breakdown!
Reflected images of Tower Bridge on both of Santa's Scania exhaust pipes.