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Bush Flower Remedy. Cheap Valentine Flowers Uk

Bush Flower Remedy

bush flower remedy

    flower remedy
  • (Flower Remedies) The emotions play a crucial role in the health of the physical body. Flower remedies directly address a person’s emotional state in order to help facilitate both psychological and physiological well-being.

  • vulgar. A woman's pubic hair

  • A shrub or clump of shrubs with stems of moderate length

  • bush-league: not of the highest quality or sophistication

  • A thing resembling such a shrub, esp. a clump of thick hair or fur

  • provide with a bushing

  • shrub: a low woody perennial plant usually having several major stems

White flowers - Blackberry Bramble

White flowers - Blackberry Bramble

More wildflowers John? And do they have to be white?

Some of you may be fed-up with all the different flower pictures I have been posting recently ...
I have been struck by this fascination with all the various blooms I encounter AND about how briefly they are visible in the woods. For those of you thinking I am only attracted to white flowers, I will be posting some shots of non-white flowers as well.

The subjects of this picture were found on a short bush growing right next to the walking trail, at about the same spot I first encountered "Rocky Raccoon" a few days ago. The wind was blowing pretty hard and kept moving the flowers back and forth, so I am actually glad I managed to get this shot.

A big thanks to warmbucket for the ID that this is from the genus Rubus!
A quick image search makes me think this is Rubus fruticosus agg., aka Blackberry Bramble.

For the ID Please group: Location is in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, terrain best described as rolling wooded hills.

A big THANKS to poly_mnia for providing me with the following info about blackberry brambles:

The whole plant had once a considerable reputation both as a medicine and as a charm for various disorders. The flowers and fruit were from very ancient times used to remedy venomous bites; the young shoots, eaten as a salad, were thought -though Gerard cautiously suggest the addition of a little alum- to fasten loose teeth. Gerard and other herbalists regard the bramble as a valuable astringent, whether eaten or applied: its leaves 'heal the eies that hang out,' and are a most useful application for piles; its fruit stops looseness of the bowels and is good for stone, and for soreness in mouth and throat."

Pink and yellow

Pink and yellow

The flowers of the sickle bush Dichrostachys cinerea, a deciduous bush or small tree growing up to 7m tall. It is browsed by most browsing game species, but becomes invasive on over-grazed soils where it forms impenetrable thickets. Used in traditional medicine a remedy for toothache and stomach aches is made from the bark, chewed roots are placed on snake and scorpion bites and powdered bark is used for all kinds of skin ailments. Also called Kalahari Christmas Tree and Chinese lantern.

The upper part of the flower is sterile, while the yellow lower half is bisexual.
The flowers are produced between October to Febuary. Photographed in the Kruger National Park, South Africa (with 50-500mm lens).

bush flower remedy

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Post je objavljen 27.11.2011. u 21:48 sati.