Ladybug Garden Decor. Decorating Small Room. Decorative Wall Hanging.
Ladybug Garden Decor
Coccinellidae is a family of beetles, known variously as ladybirds (UK, Ireland, Australia, Pakistan, South Africa, New Zealand, India, Malta, parts of Canada), or ladybugs (North America).
small round bright-colored and spotted beetle that usually feeds on aphids and other insect pests
A small beetle with a domed back, typically red or yellow with black spots. Both the adults and larvae are important predators of aphids
Lady Bug is a Pac-Man-like maze-based insect-themed arcade game produced by Universal Games and released in 1981.
a plot of ground where plants are cultivated
A piece of ground, often near a house, used for growing flowers, fruit, or vegetables
Ornamental grounds laid out for public enjoyment and recreation
A large public hall
work in the garden; "My hobby is gardening"
the flowers or vegetables or fruits or herbs that are cultivated in a garden
The furnishing and decoration of a room
interior decoration: decoration consisting of the layout and furnishings of a livable interior
The style of decoration of a room, building
Interior design is a multi-faceted profession in which creative and technical solutions are applied within a structure to achieve a built interior environment.
The decoration and scenery of a stage
Aplique de Resina
Belissimo aplique em resina com fita auto-colante.
Fica lindo em qualquer superficie como; interruptor de luz, espelho, box do banheiro, janela, azulejo, parede, abajur, lustre, cabeceira da cama, monitor tv/micro, porta do roupeiro, porta de armarios....
E uma otima sugestao como lembranca de aniversario, casamento, maternidade...
Pode ser confeccionado em outras cores, com brilho ou sem.
Uma novidade que agrada a todos.