Indoor Decorative Water Fountains. Italian Interior Decor.
Indoor Decorative Water Fountains
(water fountain) drinking fountain: a public fountain to provide a jet of drinking water
(water fountain) The metal trough on a lithographic press which holds the dampening solution.
Serving to make something look more attractive; ornamental
Relating to decoration
(decorativeness) an appearance that serves to decorate and make something more attractive
cosmetic: serving an esthetic rather than a useful purpose; "cosmetic fenders on cars"; "the buildings were utilitarian rather than decorative"
(decoratively) in a decorative manner; "used decoratively at Christmas"
Of or relating to sports played indoors
(indoors) inside: within a building; "in winter we play inside"
Situated, conducted, or used within a building or under cover
indoor(a): located, suited for, or taking place within a building; "indoor activities for a rainy day"; "an indoor pool"
within doors; "an indoor setting"
Water Fountain
Notice the high shutter speed to freeze the water dropping from the water fountain into the pool?
You know... the water fountain on the left of the picture.... nonono the other left dude!!!
taken with a F-717
Interactive Water Fountain, Science Center
Water fountains came on in various places when you touched various sensors around the fountains. One actually caused a thick stream of water to shoot from one fountain across to another.