Solar forced air heater. Aquarium heaters watts per gallon.
Solar Forced Air Heater
(Solar forcing) Solar variation refers here to changes in the amount of total solar radiation and its spectral distribution over multi-annual to multi-millennial time-scales.
A space heater is a self contained device for heating an enclosed area. . Space heating is generally employed to warm a small space, and is usually held in contrast with central heating, which warms many connected spaces at once.
Category : mechanical engineering(see air preheater)
Solar, revisited
Working on a retelling of the Solar engine so that it runs in real-time from microphone input. The original version existed only as renders because I was asking the computer to perform highly processor intensive particle repulsion. Given a mass of particles (10,000+), each particle had to exert a force on every other particle.
The original render ran at less than one frame per second. This version, still visually dense and reactive, runs at near 30fps on my laptop. Once the port to Cinder (with some optimization magic courtesy of Andrew Bell) is complete, we expect it to hit the coveted 60fps mark.
Still working on the visuals and behavior. Next up, variable size spheres and pushing more of the workload to the GPU.
Atlas E launch: Inspecting the Solar Panels
Technicians meticulously inspect the $85M satellites solar panels.
This was the last in a series of 27 successful Atlas space launches, the first launch took place on September 9, 1959. This one took place on March 31st, 1995 at 6:05am.