Secret cooking show : Cooking in the bush : Cooking a prime rib roast
Secret Cooking Show
A TV cooking show is a television program that presents the preparation of food, in a kitchen on the studio set.
clandestine: conducted with or marked by hidden aims or methods; "clandestine intelligence operations"; "cloak-and-dagger activities behind enemy lines"; "hole-and-corner intrigue"; "secret missions"; "a secret agent"; "secret sales of arms"; "surreptitious mobilization of troops"; "an
Not known or seen or not meant to be known or seen by others
something that should remain hidden from others (especially information that is not to be passed on); "the combination to the safe was a secret"; "he tried to keep his drinking a secret"
Not meant to be known as such by others
Fond of or good at keeping things about oneself unknown
not open or public; kept private or not revealed; "a secret formula"; "secret ingredients"; "secret talks"
2007-06-29, Gais's place, Paris.
The idea of the DIY pizza (DIY = do it yourself) came from my last holiday in Reunion, I spent a lot of time sleeping and when i eventually got up, I would crawl to the sofa and watch sat TV.
which sucked most of the day, so I ended up watching that cool cooking show with a young british chief, Oliver ??? , he did one show where he had a lot of guests for a party and the DIY pizza was his secret weapon to deal with it.
Secret #24 - Sometimes I pretend I have a cooking show.
This is so not what I wanted to do for my "secret" today but what I originally tried was just not working so I resorted to this.
But this defintely is a most embarrassing secret of mine.
I only do it when I am all alone and cooking (which doesn't happen all that often).
In case you are wondering, these are homemade pizza bagels that I make each week to sell at the market.