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High School Musical Toys For Girls

high school musical toys for girls

    school musical
  • Musical theatre is a form of theatre combining music, songs, spoken dialogue and dance. The emotional content of the piece – humor, pathos, love, anger – as well as the story itself, is communicated through the words, music, movement and technical aspects of the entertainment as an integrated

  • (girl) female child: a youthful female person; "the baby was a girl"; "the girls were just learning to ride a tricycle"

  • A female child

  • A young or relatively young woman

  • (girl) a young woman; "a young lady of 18"

  • A person's daughter, esp. a young one

  • (girl) daughter: a female human offspring; "her daughter cared for her in her old age"

  • greater than normal in degree or intensity or amount; "a high temperature"; "a high price"; "the high point of his career"; "high risks"; "has high hopes"; "the river is high"; "he has a high opinion of himself"

  • A high-frequency sound or musical note

  • at a great altitude; "he climbed high on the ladder"

  • A high point, level, or figure

  • A notably happy or successful moment

  • a lofty level or position or degree; "summer temperatures reached an all-time high"

  • An object for a child to play with, typically a model or miniature replica of something

  • (toy) dally: behave carelessly or indifferently; "Play about with a young girl's affection"

  • A person treated by another as a source of pleasure or amusement rather than with due seriousness

  • (toy) a nonfunctional replica of something else (frequently used as a modifier); "a toy stove"

  • An object, esp. a gadget or machine, regarded as providing amusement for an adult

  • (toy) plaything: an artifact designed to be played with

Infos Swaps/trocas

Infos Swaps/trocas

Eu e amor!
Me and my love!


CORES - Collors:
Preto > rosa > vermelho > branco > azul > bege > verde
Black Pink Red White Blue Beige Green

Chocolate branco - White chocolate
Talento (menos o meio amargo) - Chocolate with nuts, almonds, and simmilars
Chocolate com biscoito (Hersheys, etc) - chocolate with cookies
Chocolates com avela, castanha, amendoa, etc
Kinder Ovo, Kinder Bueno, qualquer Kinder - Kinders
Ferrero Rocher
Twix (amo) - (love)
Ana Maria, bolinhos em geral, muffins, etc - Cup cakes, muffins, etc
Serenata de amor (AMO) -
M&M so de amendoim - M&M, only peanut
Toddynho, Nescau prontinho, etc
Trident (qualquer sabor) - Chiclets with zero sugar
Toblerone (branco ou normal) - white or brown...No bitter ones!
Caramelos da Arcor (so so de chocolate, chocolate branco, comum) - Caramels
Tic tac
Jujubas acidas
Barrinhas de cereal de chocolate com coco, ou frutas vermelhas - Cereal Bars, chocolate, coconut, red fruits.
Doce de leite
Doce de abobora

Chocolicia - Chocolate cookies
Waffer de chocolate, nozes, avela, etc (menos morango e limao) - Waffers: chocolate, nuts, almonds, and simmilars - except strawberry and lemon
Bono de doce de leite ou chocolate
Biscoitos amanteigados (com goiabada principalmente)
Cheetos Lua (o laranjinha)
Batata (Ruffles ou genericas) - Pringles and simmilars
Biscoitos e brinquedos para caes e gatos (tenho 1 pastora alema e 7 gatos) - Toys, cookies, food for cats and dogs (i have 7 cats and a female dog)

Seriados (TV Series) - nao tenho nem vi nenhuma temporada completa de:
Havent seen any season of:
Lost, House, Eleventh Hour, CSI Miami, CSI NY, Law and Order (e todas as variacoes), 2 and a half man, Bones, Criminal Minds, Everybody Loves Raymond, Ghost Whisperer, Extreme Makeover, Gossip Girl, Medium, Numb3rs, Prime Suspect, Psych, Samantha Who, Sex and the City, Simpsons, Supernatural, 4400, Wire in the Blood, Without a Trace, Ghost Hunters, Arquivo X.

Filmes de suspense, romantico, terror, drama
Terror, romantic, drama movies in general

Canetas bonitinhas (de tinta azul, vermelha ou preta) - Cute pens, with black, blue or red ink
Adesivos Hello Kitty, Pucca, Marie (Disney), Monokuro, Chococat, My melody, cerejas, gatos, estrelas - Stickers with these characters, stars, cherries, cats
Caderninhos de anotacao, Cadernos, Blocos (estrelas, coloridos, cerejas, gatos, coisas fofas) - Cute notebooks, papers
Clips coloridos
Stickers fofos - cute stickers
Post it coloridos - cute and colored post its
Necessaires, bolsinhas, estojos - small bags, necessaires, and simmilars
Chaveirinhos fofos - cute keyrings
Furadores diferentes
Envelopes coloridos - colored envelopes
Caixinhas - small boxes
Latinhas - metal cans for pens, and stuff
Canetas Stabilo ou similares - Stabilo pens or simmilar

Havaianas (37)
Melissas (L)
Estrelas - stars
Marcador de texto - text marker
Livros sobre midia, comunicacao, jornalismo, Stephen King, A serie dos 7 pecados (tenho Ira e Luxuria), A menina que roubava livros, O mundo de Sophia, o primeiro do Brumas de Avalon (perdi!), Richaqrd Wiseman - Esquisitologia, Raymond Radiguet - O Diabo no corpo
Meias coloridas, de bichinhos, etc - Colored and cute socks
brincos grandes - large earrings
Tic tac de cabelo - cute hair stuff
Presilhas fofas (de elastico com bichinhos, frutinhas, estrelinhas, etc)
Broches fofos
Espelhinhos - small mirrors
Sombras e blushes - eyeliners, blush, eyeshadows
Cremes (maos, rosto) - skin treatment products
Shampoo, condicionador, creme de tratamento, etc (meu cabelo e normal p/oleoso) - Shampoo, conditioner, treatment creams and stuff
Amostra de perfumes - small samples of parfum
Betty Boop
Apliques para tecido - sewing cute stuff
Case para CD fofinho - cute cd cases
Cordoes compridos (PRATEADO) - long necklaces (silver)
Pingentes (qualquer tamanho - PRATEADO)
Piercing (umbigo - com pingente ou penduricalho de ate 4cm - ou sombrancelha) - Belly button piercings, chandeliers only with 4cm max.
Cabeca/cabelo/eyechip para Blythe (tenho o corpo) - blythe mods, heads specially (i dont have one)

Feltros coloridos - colored felts
Tecidos de algodao de gatos, muffins, cerejas, bichinhos - cute fabrics, with cats, food, muffins, cherries - cute ones
Fitas e passamanarias fofas
Contas para bijuteria (cristais, muranos, micangas, fechos, correntes, etc) - beads
Caixas com separadores
Revistas de Biju
Moldes de roupas, bonecas, roupinhas de bonecas, etc - doll clothing patterns
Biscuit (Formas principalmente)
Contact colorido ou de coisinhas fofas (bichinhos, formas geometricas delicadas, poa)

Blusas: M/G - Shirts: M/L
Calcados: 36/37
Cachecois fofos
Casaquinhos de linha/la (croche, trico)

Frutas cristalizadas - cristalized fruits
Artigos religiosos de qualquer tipo - religious stuff
Pano de prato e artigos de cozinha - kitchen stuff
Cha, cafe, mate, guarana natural - tea, cofee, matte
Chocolate meio-

16 things

16 things

Ginnie Tagged me, thats mean i must to write 16 things about me.
I chosse this picture of me to do it, in one of Pablo Neruda's house in Valparaiso.

1.I live in Chile a small country in the end of the world
2.I don't believe in god, but i like very much to study about religeus.
3.I studied one year architecture, but i hated the career and i left it.
4.I live with my parents and my older sister. I have a brother too but he lives alone.
5.All days i sleep with my lovely dog called Daniela.
6.I love all kind of toys, and i'm always buying some new. Nowadays i'm mad about Blythe.
7.I have fun reading fantasy books. I read all of harry potter and lord of the ring, they, for me, are the best fantasy books.
8.Now i'm reading some Anne Rice books and i really love it, but in Chile is so hard find her books.
9.In this moment i'm mad about vampires.
10.I make amigurumis since i saw it for first time in august of 2007. I'm a so anxious girl, and amigurumis relax me.
11.I love swaping T_T, is the worst addiction in the world
12.My favorite singer is Morrissey and i love all of his songs.
13.One of my favorite movie is high school musical (all of them), and is a little bit shameful, 'cause i'm 20.
14.I like anime and my favorite is Death Note (And Dragon ball and Sailor moon, but those series are the favorites for everybody).
15.I don't have many friends, but i really love them.
16.I want learn all the languages as i can.

high school musical toys for girls

See also:

where to sell old toys

toothless the dragon toys

melissa and doug toys canada

go diego go toys uk

wrestling toys for sale

music toys for children

girl toys age 11

vintage fisher price toys

transformers new toys

Post je objavljen 08.11.2011. u 15:23 sati.