Cheap silver beads : 2011 american silver eagle dollar
Cheap Silver Beads
Coat or plate with silver
Provide (mirror glass) with a backing of a silver-colored material in order to make it reflective
(esp. of the moon) Give a silvery appearance to
a soft white precious univalent metallic element having the highest electrical and thermal conductivity of any metal; occurs in argentite and in free form; used in coins and jewelry and tableware and photography
made from or largely consisting of silver; "silver bracelets"
coat with a layer of silver or a silver amalgam; "silver the necklace"
Charging low prices
bum: of very poor quality; flimsy
relatively low in price or charging low prices; "it would have been cheap at twice the price"; "inexpensive family restaurants"
(of an item for sale) Low in price; worth more than its cost
(of prices or other charges) Low
brassy: tastelessly showy; "a flash car"; "a flashy ring"; "garish colors"; "a gaudy costume"; "loud sport shirts"; "a meretricious yet stylish book"; "tawdry ornaments"
A rosary
A necklace made of a string of beads
(bead) a small ball with a hole through the middle
(bead) form into beads, as of water or sweat, for example
several beads threaded together on a string
A small piece of glass, stone, or similar material, typically rounded and perforated for threading with others as a necklace or rosary or for sewing onto fabric
christmas Beetle on a bead not reduced
OK, so I made some silver glass murrini cane with the idea that the resultant little big murrini could be reduced to a metallic shine on the surface sort of like a christmas beetle.... that was the plan.
This one I left unreduced, you can still see the dots and patter where I put the plain ole black glass, but the Miro (silver rich glass) was just left transparent green....
.... definitely not worth wasting silver glass for this... I could always make some in cheap old trans green for this effect to be honest.
But it had to be done!
Silver and Blue Christmas Ornament
This is the second Christmas ornament I've beaded (the first hasn't been photographed yet). For this I used the cheaper and less uniform Thai bugle and seed beads with stringing and brick stitch. Most of this was done fairly free hand using eye guaging instead of counting so the fringes are quite uneven but I'm still on a learning curve. The swags and brick bugle bead sections were inspired by a photo I saw on the Internet (again, link lost so I cannot credit it) but the ornamentation in between is of my own creation.