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Hotels In Texel
A code word representing the letter H, used in radio communication
HOTELS (ISSN-1047-2975) is a trade publication serving the information needs of the worldwide hospitality industry.
Hotel is a dimensional real estate game created by Milton Bradley in 1986. It is similar to Square Mile and Prize Property. In Hotel the players are building resort hotels and attempting to drive their competitors into bankruptcy.
(hotel) a building where travelers can pay for lodging and meals and other services
An establishment providing accommodations, meals, and other services for travelers and tourists
The Texel is a breed of domestic sheep originally from the island of Texel in the Netherlands. It is now a popular lean meat sheep in the USA, Australia, New Zealand, Uruguay and Europe. The Texel is a heavily muscled sheep.
A single pixel on a texture image.
Texture pixel (as opposed to screen pixel)
One Cock and a Thousand Crows [EXPLORED]
Last week, I stayed in a hotel in Den Burg, on the Isle of Texel. At dusk, I heard a lot of crows and looking from my balcony I saw dozens of Jackdaws sitting in the Chestnut trees around the church and at the tower. Every 20 seconds or so, a new group of Jackdaws came in, joining the ones that were already there. After 5 minutes or so, a new group came in, flying around the tower and suddenly all birds joined this group and off they went..... Approximately 4,000-5,000 Jackdaws, it was a magnificent view....!!!
Pentax K-5 + Jupiter-9 85mm F2
Blije eikel kookt asperges
Het Aspergeseizoen 2006 is van start gegaan. De opening, vond ditmaal plaats in Grand Hotel Opduin op Texel. Kok Rudolph van Veen werd benoemd tot Aspergeambassadeur 2006. Het eerste kistje Nederlandse asperges werd onder toeziend oog van de Aspergekoningin 2006 overhandigd aan de nieuwe aspergeambassadeur. (april 2006)