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Hang on aquarium filter : Screen privacy filter : Pentek p5 sediment water filter

Hang On Aquarium Filter

hang on aquarium filter

    aquarium filter
  • Aquarium filters are critical components of both freshwater and marine aquaria.Leibel WS (1993) A fishkeepers guide to South American cichlids. Tetra Press. Belgium pg 12-14. Aquarium filters remove physical and soluble chemical waste products from aquaria, simplifying maintenance.

    hang on
  • append: fix to; attach; "append a charm to the necklace"

  • persevere: be persistent, refuse to stop; "he persisted to call me every night"; "The child persisted and kept asking questions"

  • hold the phone line open; "Please hang on while I get your folder"

hang on aquarium filter - Cascade® Filter

Cascade® Filter Replacement Cartridges for Cascade® 300 Hang-On Power Filters, 3-pack

Cascade® Filter Replacement Cartridges for Cascade® 300 Hang-On Power Filters, 3-pack

Cascade® filter replacement cartridges from Penn-Plax® work to keep your aquarium water clean & clear. Each pack contains 3 disposable filters specially designed to fit your Cascade® 300 hang-on power filter. Each cartridge uses a poly-fiber floss barrier to screen out particulate matter & debris while the activated carbon works to remove ammonia & nitrites keeping your aquarium clean & healthy. Each easy-to-replace disposable cartridge is perfectly sized to fit your Cascade® 300 hang-on power filter. For use on Cascade® 300 hang-on power filters only.

85% (9)

Little Anole Bob

Little Anole Bob

24" x 24" vivarium. Hamming for the camera is my anole, Bob. You can kinda see the flowers from 2 orchids (jewel and a moth). Both decided that now would be a good time to bloom. Besides Bob, there are 2 green, tree frogs and two fire-bellied toads. Bob and the frogs hang out in the plants and hollow log at the top - being the arboreal creatures that they are. The pair of fire-bellies spend most of the time in the water (1/2 of terrarium floor, about 3"-6" deep), sometimes settling on the gravel/sphagnum moss on the 'dry' side. With the exception of two, potted phalaenopsis, all the plants (jewel orchid, pothos, philodendron, etc) are rooted in the saturated gravel/moss or grow directly in the pool (crypts, java moss, dwarf sag). I use a canister filter, returning the water through a hollow 'stump' mounted on the back wall, creating a little (albeit noisy) waterfall. Vivarium is about 2 yrs old now.

Lippy Update

Lippy Update

There was another recent case of fin rot in the aquarium and unfortunately Alby, the neglected non-pictured fish in the aquarium, did not survive through the ordeal. I was on the third day of administering minocycline treatment when I just saw Alby hanging upside down being sucked into the filter, I may have started antibiotic treatment a little too late. Fortunately, all the other fish survived including the Lippy, the over-photographed goldfish.

I might have to get another fish to replace Alby, the Lipster is looking a little too lonely in the tank.

Oh and please don't mind the dinged up aquarium, I've been abusing it for 7 years now.

hang on aquarium filter

hang on aquarium filter

Rena 742 SmartFilter 55, Hang-on-the-Back Filter for up to 55 Gallon Aquariums

The RENA SmartFilter is revolutionizing the power filter category by bringing the superior filtration of a canister filter to the back of the aquarium. The RENA SmartFilter offers unparalleled functionality, including unique pressurized filtration so water flows through - not over - the filter cartridge. The 4-sided filter cartridge contains Bio Chem Zorb, the most advanced filtration resin available, to deliver crystal clear water. The SmartFilter also features the most convenient cartridge replacement system, with a universal, one-size-fits-all cartridge. The revolutionary cartridge caddy is easy to access and features a drip-reduction cup. Plus, the RENA SmartFilter offers 3 levels of filtration: mechanical, chemical and biological for maximum cleaning power, and it combines with the RENA SmartHeater to offer an integrated filtration and heating unit for less aquarium clutter. A truly innovative design from RENA. RENA SmartFilter 20 - for up to 20 gallon aquariums. RENA SmartFilter 30 - for up to 30 gallon aquariums. RENA SmartFilter 55 - for up to 55 gallon aquariums.

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Post je objavljen 27.10.2011. u 02:55 sati.