Undergravel Filter Set Up
Aquarium filters are critical components of both freshwater and marine aquaria.Leibel WS (1993) A fishkeepers guide to South American cichlids. Tetra Press. Belgium pg 12-14. Aquarium filters remove physical and soluble chemical waste products from aquaria, simplifying maintenance.
A type of filter placed under the substrate that utilizes an air pump or power head to pull water through the gravel and thus oxygenates the bacteria to help in the nitrogen cycle. Not recommended for live plant tanks.
a device for enhancing bacterial nitrification in substrate, made of a slotted plate which is placed under the substrate.
The way in which something, esp. an organization or equipment, is organized, planned, or arranged
An organization or arrangement
assemble: create by putting components or members together; "She pieced a quilt"; "He tacked together some verses"; "They set up a committee"
raise: construct, build, or erect; "Raise a barn"
establish: set up or found; "She set up a literacy program"
A set of equipment needed for a particular activity or purpose
Undergravel Filter - 15 or 20H Gallon - 24 in. x 12 in.
The Perfect-a-Flow Undergravel Filter is a biological filtration system for fresh or saltwater aquariums. The filter circulates water through the gravel bed and oxygenates it for beneficial bacteria growth. The slots on the filter plate have been designed to draw water evenly over the entire plate from front to back and left to right. The high tube connectors are molded into the filter plates to offer a secure grip onto the one-inch diameter lift tubes to keep the tubes from being knocked out by fish and preventing gravel from falling under the filter plate. There are four tube holders and caps. The Perfect-A-Flo air stoneprovides a flow of fine bubbles. A 3/16 inch ridged tube connects to the air diffuser inside the uplift tube and will attach to airline tubing at the top of the uplift tube. When using an airpump and airstones use two uplift tubes per plate. The fish protector is molded right into each elbow to prevent fish from entering the uplift tubes. The Perfect-A-Flo Carbon Cartridge (not included) will fit into the fish protector. These cartridges contain top-quality activated carbon to remove harmful gases, odors, and unsightly discoloration.For powerhead attachment place the one-inch uplift tube on the outside tube holder. The powerhead should have a flow rate of 100-140gph. Use one uplift tube per plate when using a powerhead. Using a powerhead provides a higher flow rate which cuts down on algae growth and requires less maintenance, however, powerheads are harder to conceal.
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Configuracion macro estudio/ Studio macro set-up
Bueno, esto es con lo que estoy haciendo estos macros a 10x, 20x etc., aparte de esto falta el flash Metz 58 af-1 que le "robo" a mi novia, lo monto en un minitripode velbon maxi mini conectado por cable
This is the set up I use for indoors macro work @ 10x, 20x, etc..; apart from all this I use a Metz 58 af-1 flash I " steal" sometimes from my girlfriend, it goes on a velbon maxi mini tripod via cable
My quick set up with FlashWaves
This is my typical quick set up. No light stand needed.
Flashwaves does it all. As you can see, it can fit into any tight space. Easy to handhold. Absolutely no fumbling around with wires or worrying about a loose PC sync port, etc.