Best Hoya Uv Filter : Replacement Carbon Filters : Filter Paper Pore Size
Best Hoya Uv Filter
UV filters are individual compounds or mixtures to prevent ultraviolet (UV) light from coming through. UV filters are used in sunscreens to protect skin or in photography to reduce haziness or fogginess created by ultraviolet light.
This coating is a filter for the harmful UV radiation. The coating is either put on the lens or is imbedded into the lens to protect your eyes for the harmful effect of the sun’s UV radiation.
This is an Ultra Violet absorbing filter that helps overcome the abundance of blue in outdoor photographs. Not really necessary in digital photography as the camera's white balance system adjusts for the colour temperature of the scene.
any plant of the genus Hoya having fleshy leaves and usually nectariferous flowers
Hoya is a genus of 200-300 species of tropical climbing plants in the family Apocynaceae (Dogbane), native to southern Asia (India east to southern China and southward), Australia, and Polynesia. Common names for this genus are waxplant, waxvine, waxflower or simply hoya.
Asclepias L. (1753), the milkweeds, is a genus of herbaceous perennial, dicotyledonous plants that contains over 140 known species. It previously belonged to the family Asclepiadaceae, but this is now classified as the subfamily Asclepiadoideae of the dogbane family Apocynaceae.
A climbing or sprawling evergreen shrub with ornamental foliage and waxy flowers, native to Southeast Asia and the Pacific and grown as a greenhouse or indoor plant
Un sueno americano: Mi historia (Spanish Edition)
Oscar De La Hoya, uno de los luchadores mas celebrados en la historia del boxeo, nos brinda su historia franca y conmovedora sobre como logro el Sueno Americano: su ascenso al exito, el poder de una etica de trabajo solida, la dolorosa perdida de su madre al cancer, las trampas del estrellato, asi como una perspectiva muy personal de lo que significa ser americano Hijo de padres mexicanos, De La Hoya "El Chico de Oro" ha tenido una carrera impresionante. Del boxeo a los negocios, de la industria discografica a los logros caritativos de su fundacion, su exito es testamento de lo que uno puede lograr en los Estados Unidos. Pero, ?quien es este hombre que ha cambiado tantas vidas; que ha impreso una huella positiva en el boxeo, deporte ante el cual muchos habian perdido toda esperanza; y que se ha convertido en un simbolo de lo que es posible para una comunidad hispana sin demasiados heroes? Un Sueno Americano responde estas preguntas. Proveniente de una familia de boxeadores, De La Hoya ha vencido a mas de una docena de campeones mundiales y ha ganado seis titulos mundiales y una medalla de oro Olimpica—un momento marcado para siempre en la memoria de cualquiera que ha seguido su larga carrera. Sin embargo, en medio de la voragine de este exito, existia un hombre que se desviaba del camino proyectado dada su profunda confianza en la bondad de aquellos a su alrededor. Este libro es el Chico de Oro y expone sus errores mas desgarradores asi como sus triunfos mas sensacionales. En su emocionante historia como hijo de inmigrantes—una historia americana por excelencia—hay una cronica de una vida increible que abre una puerta a la vida privada de una figura que, para muchos, ha alcanzado el estatus de un icono.
86% (15)
Female Wood Duck
Female Wood Duck (Aix sponsa). They're related to the Mandarin Duck - I prefer the Mandarin Duck, Janelle prefers the Wood Duck.
Sexual dimorphism refers to differences in the appearance, including size, of males and females of a species (aside from the obvious difference in the genitalia). Birds tend to have some of the best examples of this phenomenon.
The females of most bird species are incredibly bland-looking. It makes sense - if they'll be spending much of their time sitting on eggs, then they don't want to draw attention to themselves. Yet the female wood duck displays a bit of brilliance of its own. The blue-tipped wings are a feature somewhat similar to female mallards (seemingly the most common duck in North America), yet the female wood duck also boasts an incandescent sheen along her wings and, in contrast with the male wood duck's red eyes, has a yellow ring around her eyes (although the iris itself is not yellow).
Wood ducks were once a threatened species, but habitat protection, increased awareness, and greater efforts to provide breeding areas for the ducks has caused the species to proliferate nicely.
Shot with an Olympus E-520 and Zuiko Digital 70-300mm f/4.0-5.6 with lens hood and a Hoya UV filter equipped. This was taken hand-held with IS mode 1 enabled. This picture has been cropped by ~50% and the resolution was further scaled down to 1600x1200 for upload. This is a camera JPEG that has not been subject to any further post-processing. The following settings were used on-camera: "vivid" color scheme; sharpness, saturation, and contrast at +1; white balance set to sunny; pattern metering mode.
Taken in Central Park at the Harlem Meer.
The 'Glamorous Gal'
Retired Navy Captain Dale Snodgrass passes by show center in the North American Avaition P-51 "Mustang".
Faced with imminent invasion in 1939 and desperately short of fighters, the Royal Air Force (RAF) asked North American Aviation to produce urgently the existing but obsolete P-40 "Warhawk". But instead the company designed, built, and flew a new airplane in just 117 days - the Mustang.
Using existing Allison engine and the latest laminar-flow wing, the new fighter immediately went into service with the RAF. In December 1941 America joined the war, and it too needed good fighters fast. So the USAAF took the basic RAF Mustang, re-armed it with four machine guns, and added an uprated engine. It was a good performer, but couldn't operate well alongside the high-flying long-range bomber.
By 1944 the aircraft used the Rolls-Royce Merlin engine, had a new bubble cockpit and increased firepower to six .50cal machine guns. It was now the best fighter in the war and fought superbly in all theaters, as fighter, fighter-bomber, and reconnaissance platform. It was loved by its aircrews, and no fewer than 281 Mustang pilots became aces by the end of the war.