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When Should Babies Roll Over

when should babies roll over

    roll over
  • make a rolling motion or turn; "The dog rolled over"

  • re-invest (a previous investment) into a similar fund or security; "She rolled over her IRA"

  • negociate to repay a loan at a later date for an additional fee; "roll over a loan"

  • A very young child, esp. one newly or recently born

  • A young or newly born animal

  • (baby) a very young child (birth to 1 year) who has not yet begun to walk or talk; "the baby began to cry again"; "she held the baby in her arms"; "it sounds simple, but when you have your own baby it is all so different"

  • The youngest member of a family or group

  • (baby) the youngest member of a group (not necessarily young); "the baby of the family"; "the baby of the Supreme Court"

  • (baby) pamper: treat with excessive indulgence; "grandparents often pamper the children"; "Let's not mollycoddle our students!"

when should babies roll over - Roll over

Roll over Dickens(in a spread display) (My dear were wolf)

Roll over Dickens(in a spread display) (My dear were wolf)

The second book of "My dear werewolf" series.

The story takes place in the Victorian Age England.
The real nature of William, a public school librarian is a necromancer,
True character of the Baron John Wolf Solent Hunter,the Scottish lord of a castle is a werewolf.
John Wolf falls in love with William who purified cursed blood from him and comes to make advances to William passionately.

William feels baron to be selfish and an eccentric and his love call to be annoying first, but gradually fascinated by him....
... the love between two is strengthened while they solve weird cases.

The love romance full of fantasies and mysteries!
Newly written comics for KINDLE users!
In a spread display(tow pages opposite each other).
KINDLE deluxe & touch panel type tablet recommendation.
This book has no explicit content,
but belongs to the genre of Boy's love or YAOI,
which means the love between two boys.
Please do not read this book if you are homophobia.
Rating adult only.

The second book of "My dear werewolf" series.

The story takes place in the Victorian Age England.
The real nature of William, a public school librarian is a necromancer,
True character of the Baron John Wolf Solent Hunter,the Scottish lord of a castle is a werewolf.
John Wolf falls in love with William who purified cursed blood from him and comes to make advances to William passionately.

William feels baron to be selfish and an eccentric and his love call to be annoying first, but gradually fascinated by him....
... the love between two is strengthened while they solve weird cases.

The love romance full of fantasies and mysteries!
Newly written comics for KINDLE users!
In a spread display(tow pages opposite each other).
KINDLE deluxe & touch panel type tablet recommendation.
This book has no explicit content,
but belongs to the genre of Boy's love or YAOI,
which means the love between two boys.
Please do not read this book if you are homophobia.
Rating adult only.

83% (11)

Boipeva (Xenodon merremii).

Boipeva (Xenodon merremii).

A Boipeva (Xenodon merremii, Wagler, 1824) e uma serpente muito comum de ser encontrada em praticamente todo o Brasil, inclusive em nosso bairro. E uma serpente de grande porte, tendo em media 1,5 metros de comprimento, e possui, em geral, escamas escuras acinzentadas ou avermelhadas com desenhos amarelados ou brancos, mas isto pode variar muito (polimorfismo). Tem como caracteristica marcante sua agressividade e a capacidade de achatar o corpo contra o solo como se fosse uma fita (Boipeva em tupi significa cobra chata). Possuem habitos terricola e preferem areas abertas proximas a agua, onde e mais comum encontrar sua principal presa.

A primeira parte de seu nome cientifico, Xenodon, significa dentes estranhos. Essas serpentes possuem dois longos dentes em sua boca que sao usados para perfurar os pulmoes dos anfibios (sapos, ras e pererecas) que sao sua principal presa, principalmente os sapos (as boipevas sao imunes ao veneno destes anfibios). Os anfibios, quando sao capturados, enchem os pulmoes de ar para aumentar o tamanho do corpo o que dificulta para serem engolidos. Ja a segunda parte de seu nome cientifico e uma homenagem a um pesquisador alemao.
Apesar de serem agressivas, de possuirem esses dentes longos no fundo da boca, e ainda terem o padrao de cores parecidos com os da Jararaca, estas serpentes nao possuem veneno, e sendo assim, nao apresentam risco para os seres humanos. Como nao sao venenosas, nem constritoras (cobras que apertam para matar, como a sucuri e a jiboia) e nem sobem em arvores, sao teoricamente indefesas. Por causa dessas restricoes elas se tornaram mestres do blefe e usam como artificio o mimetismo (mimica, imitam neste caso uma cobra venenosa), alem de achatar o corpo, chiar, escancarar a boca, dar bote e fugir. Dessa forma elas conseguem enganar os predadores e se mantem vivas.

Os dados a respeito da reproducao desses seres sao relativamente incertos, parece que preferem as epocas mais quentes do ano e botam de 5 a 45 ovos.

Os encontros com seres humanos costumam ser catastroficos para estes animais. Pelo simples fato de serem serpentes, e pela incompreensao das pessoas, elas ja tendem a ser mortas. Como estas se fazem parecer com cobras venenosas, e assustam as pessoas com sua agressividade, quase sempre sao mortas.

Gostaria de deixar aqui uma observacao pessoal. Nao e pelo fato de serem venenosas, ou nao, que as cobras tem que ser mortas. Todos os seres vivos tem sua importancia dentro da natureza, e com elas nao e diferente. Trata-se de predadores absurdamente especializados e grandes controladores de populacoes de animais de pequeno porte, principalmente de roedores. Nossa falta de conhecimento e incompreensao nos leva a atitudes mal medidas e drasticas. Entao, busquem informacoes a respeito desses seres, aprendam bastante e os compreendam. E possivel que, entendendo esses animais, o medo se transforme em respeito e admiracao.

As serpentes nao sao mas e nao correm atras das pessoas. Em caso de encontros com serpentes, simplesmente as deixem em paz, elas evitarao o encontro por conta propria. Se, ainda assim, moradores do JP, nao quiserem esses animais nas proximidades de suas residencias, devem, preferencialmente, ligar para a FUNED e chama-los, ou me chamar. Farei a remocao sempre que possivel (lembrem-se que tambem trabalho e nao estarei disponivel 100% do tempo). Para quem quiser tentar, a captura podera ser feita de tres maneiras: com o laco (um laco na ponta de uma longa haste como um cabo de vassoura), com o gancho (uma haste com um gancho na ponta para carrega-las pela barriga) e com um balde (caso elas estejam enroladas e imoveis, coloca-se o balde por cima delas e passa uma prancha ou uma tabua por baixo do balde). E sempre aconselhavel estar com roupas apropriadas para fazer a captura.

The Boipeva (Xenodon merremii, Wagler, 1824) is a very common snake to be found in virtually all of Brazil, including in our neighborhood. It is a large snake, averaging 1.5 meters in length, and has, in general, scales dark gray or red with yellow or white drawings, but this can vary greatly (polymorphism). Its striking feature of its aggressiveness and the ability to flatten the body into the ground like a ribbon (in Tupi means Boipeva flat snake). Have terrestrial habits and prefer open areas near water, where it is more common to find their main prey.

The first part of its scientific name, Xenodon means strange teeth. These snakes have two long teeth in his mouth that are used to pierce the lungs of amphibians (frogs and toads) that are their main prey, mainly frogs (boipevas are immune to the venom of amphibians). Amphibians, when they are caught, they fill our lungs with air to increase the size of the body making it difficult to be swallowed. The second part of its scientific name is a tribute to a German researcher.
Although they are aggressive, they have long teeth in the back of the mouth, and still have the color pattern similar to those of Jararaca,

my beloved cat, 'little baby' passed away two years ago...

my beloved cat, 'little baby' passed away two years ago...

LITTLE BABY memories
unfortunately, ADDA has a very soft heart and every August is difficult for that is when my dear cat, LITTLE BABY passed away two years ago.

LITTLE BABY is always in my heart...and in my memories...

Someone made some comments on how one really just has to let go of those feelings. Way to harsh for ADDA.

My cats, as well as SO many friends have passed on, though they all still hold a special place in my heart.

ADDA wrote this little true story how one should have hope...I guess that is why I like 'MANHATTEN', the movie by WOODY ALLEN. The last line, "One should always have hope".

some folks are 'heart center', others are not...i choose to hang around the heart crowd...and i love the last line in WOODY ALLEN's movie MANHATTEN...'you have to have hope'

everyday in SWISSLAND, we would walk by a contained yard which had one of the most beautiful cats we ever did see...We always made sure to peek through the grape vine fence to say 'BONJOUR'...

the beautiful white cat with black markings would come close to greet us, and then roll around and then walk away. we were always so overjoyed to see this wonderful cat.

one day, we saw the owners sitting at the cafe table in the yard, with the big beautiful cat resting next to them. we were overjoyed to see the owners for we wanted to know the cats name...

'MOOSE... '
'Oh, like the animal in North America?'
'No, MOOUSE is the french word for PUTTY, like the stuff one uses when they are putting up drywall.'
'WOW...well, that's rather unique...why MOOUSE...though it fits him perfectly!'

'WELL, several years ago we moved from France to this place here in SWTIZERLAND. Everything was going fine, though the last few days of the move were rather hetic for MOOUSE.

The last day, the movers came and took everything out of the house. '

Everything, including MOOUSE!

or so we thought for we could not find him anywhere. We were in a panic for we were LEAVING.

NO MOOUSE to be found anywhere. Everyone was in tears...It was horrible and sad. We had the whole neighborhood crying and trying to find our beloved cat. Our move as well as our family was falling apart because of our missing cat.

We moved here and we went back almost twice or three times a week to the old place. We put up flyers. We left food. We left water...The new owners even knew of our plight.

When the moving truck arrived, we already knew of the missing cat and the possibility that the cat may of jumped into a box, you know how they love boxes, and MOOUSE could of been accidentally packed!

You have never seen boxes un-packed so fast in your life. Even the movers were helping! Opened boxes everywhere...stuffed scattered all over the place.


Our family was well as the house was torn-up for we were remodeling several rooms at the time. My wife said, "All the moouse in the world can not hold those walls together if the family is not intact."

We all cried...again.

Life went on. Our hearts had the memory of our dear cat.

One early eve, six months later we heard a distint 'meow' outside our house.


MOOUSE crossed the FRENCH-SWISS border, crossed a river (though probally over a bridge, though one is guarded by the boarder patrol), made it up the hill, and over this fenced in yard.

MOOUSE is the moouse that keeps this family together..MOOUSE found us, though he never left our hearts.

when should babies roll over

when should babies roll over

Rock & Roll Over

Japanese pressing of this 1976 album, packaged in a miniature LP sleeve. Kiss have been one of the best-selling Rock bands in history. Since the Japanese min-LP sleeves were introduced into the marketplace, it was no surprise to find that Kiss have sold more CDs in this limited edition format than any other artist. 10 tracks including 'Calling Dr. Love', 'Mr. Speed' and 'I Want You'. Distriibuted for a limited time in Europe with new UPC number. Universal.

As the follow-up to their unusually experimental Destroyer (nonetheless one of Kiss's best albums ever), Rock and Roll Over, released the same year, contains more conventional three-chord material. That's not a bad thing, since Kiss at their peak arguably did three-chord arena-rock better than anyone else. "Calling Dr. Love" was a hit single, as was the surprisingly bittersweet (for Kiss) "Hard Luck Woman." "I Want You" is an unnerving mix of tenderness and tension, while "Take Me" is understandably urgent. Although this was material that would become conventional over the years--thanks to legions of copycat bands--it still sounds good today, probably because whether they're being sleazy or sweet, Kiss sound like they mean it. -- Genevieve Williams

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Post je objavljen 26.10.2011. u 01:56 sati.