Baby bed matress - Johnson and johnson free baby samples - How to make green bean baby food.
Baby Bed Matress
a small bed for babies; enclosed by sides to prevent the baby from falling
A mattress is a mat or pad, usually placed on top of a bed, upon which to sleep or lie.
The "guest bed".
Our sad, broken futon. You can see in the picture how the left side sinks down. We really need to re-duct tape that thing back together.
When we were looking at the house, this room was the only one not painted taupe as it was obviously the baby's room, so I took every brightly colored thing we used to have in the living room and put it in here.
And if you're wondering why I have such bad decorating taste, I originally bought all of this bright stuff to help keep me from getting depressed in the winter while Brian was deployed. I do want to get a new futon sheet and pillows now, though.
IMG 1207
Baby bed -
5 different height levels for matress (normally it's only three).
It's easy to change matress height, not a lot of work, plus good to have for different ages of your child.