A container used to hold or carry things, typically made from interwoven strips of cane or wire
A group or range of currencies or investments
a container that is usually woven and has handles
the quantity contained in a basket
A structure suspended from the envelope of a hot-air balloon for carrying the crew, equipment, and ballast
horizontal circular metal hoop supporting a net through which players try to throw the basketball
(bike) bicycle: ride a bicycle
A bicycle or motorcycle
(bike) motorcycle: a motor vehicle with two wheels and a strong frame
(bike) bicycle: a wheeled vehicle that has two wheels and is moved by foot pedals
We got to Trinity Bellwoods Park to register, marvel at the other great ensembles, bicycles, accessories and more. I'm pretty proud of the tweed basket wrap that I made for my bike. I would have liked to do more for Dring (I already have another idea for next ride!) but I did give him a little tweed scarf/tie. :)
light front rack basket for touring and commuting bike
Coming out pretty well. Not sure how the 1/4 x .035" tubing will hold up, so this is an experiment.
Needs a few more verticals to hold things in, a couple of cross braces, and a light mount.