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Dry Shade Ground Cover. How Do You Make A Roman Shade. Canopy Sheer Curtains.

Dry Shade Ground Cover

dry shade ground cover

    ground cover
  • Low-growing, spreading plants that help to stop weeds from growing

  • groundcover: low-growing plants planted in deep shade or on a steep slope where turf is difficult to grow

  • groundcover: small plants other than saplings growing on a forest floor

  • Groundcover refers to any plant that grows over an area of ground, used to provide protection from erosion and drought, and to improve its aesthetic appearance (by concealing bare earth).

  • Cover, moderate, or exclude the light of

  • Darken or color (an illustration or diagram) with parallel pencil lines or a block of color

  • relative darkness caused by light rays being intercepted by an opaque body; "it is much cooler in the shade"; "there's too much shadiness to take good photographs"

  • represent the effect of shade or shadow on

  • shadow: cast a shadow over

  • Screen from direct light

  • Cause to become dry

  • a reformer who opposes the use of intoxicating beverages

  • become dry or drier; "The laundry dries in the sun"

  • remove the moisture from and make dry; "dry clothes"; "dry hair"

  • Become dry

  • Wipe tears from (the eyes)

dry shade ground cover - Aubrieta Royal

Aubrieta Royal Mix - 5000 Seeds

Aubrieta Royal Mix - 5000 Seeds

Aubrieta (Rock Cress - Royal Mix) - Rock Cress is a compact, mat-forming, evergreen perennial with small leaves and iridescent flowers in spring. This ground cover only grows to about 4" tall, but can spread up to two feet! Its mix of colors: blue, red, violet, and more make a wonderful display. Aubrieta Royal can be planted in pots or directly in the garden ? they are also very beautiful in bouquets. Aubrieta Rock Cress is a worthwhile plant for the rock garden of distinctive merit. This soil hugging perennial seems to thrive in impoverished and hungry shallow soils carpeting the ground in a gorgeous profusion of blooms in early Spring. Plant in crevices of walls or on a steep bank to flow over in a waterfall cascade of colors.

87% (8)

Sedum acre

Sedum acre

Sedum acre, the Goldmoss Stonecrop, Goldmoss Sedum, Biting Stonecrop or Wallpepper, is a perennial plant native to Europe, but also naturalised in North America. This plant grows as a creeping ground cover, often in dry sandy soil, but also in the cracks of masonry. It grows well in poor soils, sand, rock gardens, and rich dirt, in a variety of light conditions. It does not thrive in dense shade with limited water.
The leaves are simple, smooth-margined, and succulent. The flowers are yellow, Spring-blooming, in sprays held above the foliage. It spreads when allowed to do so, but is easily removed as it has shallow roots. It is used in hanging baskets and container gardens as a trailing accent, borders, or groundcover.

La Borracina acre (nome scientifico Sedum acre L.) e una piccola pianta carnoso - succulenta di aspetto erbaceo, strisciante, perenne e sempreverde appartenente alla famiglia delle Crassulaceae.
La forma biologica e camefita succulenta (Ch succ) : sono piante che frequentano ambienti piuttosto aridi, con gemme perennanti radenti il suolo (disposte ad una altezza non maggiore di 20 cm) e con organi (fusti, foglie e fiori) adatti a conservare l’acqua.
Il Sedun acre e una pianta a foglie succulente quindi caratterizzata da una grande abbondanza di tessuti acquiferi e da un basso numero di stomi (per ridurre al minimo l’evaporazione dei liquidi) e una spessa cuticola fogliare: riesce cosi ad ottimizzare il consumo di acqua e a farne copiosa riserva nei suoi organi interni.
Le radici sono superficiali e sottili prodotte da stoloni. La pianta si strappa facilmente dal terreno.
Il fusto e esile a volte prostrato (se porta solo foglie) e a volte ascendente (se all’apice porta l’infiorescenza). Se il fusto e sterile allora e fittamente foglioso (con struttura embricata) ed e persistente, mentre se e fertile (con fiori) le foglie sono distanziate e si secca durante la stagione fredda (o generalmente dopo l’ antesi). Spesso la pianta forma un esteso tappeto (o cuscinetto) in quanto i fusti possono essere anche direttamente radicati. Altezza : da 5 a 15 cm.
Le foglie sono glabre, carnose e sessili. Sono disposte a spirale embricata molto regolarmente e in modo alterno sul fusto. La forma e ovale (pagina superiore piana, quella inferiore convessa), arrotondata alla base (parzialmente amplessicaule) e ottusa all’apice. Larghezza : 2 mm; lunghezza : 3 - 6 mm. Il sapore e lievemente pepato.
I fiori sono raccolti in corte spighe cimose composta da 1 – 3 fiori quasi sessili (subsessili).
Calice : i sepali sono ovato – lanceolati (ottusi all’apice) e lunghi circa 2 - 3 mm, molto simili alle foglie. La base dei sepali si prolunga in una piccola appendice.
Corolla : e formata da 5 petali disposti a stella di colore giallo oro intenso, eretto – patenti, lanceolati e acuti all’apice. Larghezza : 2 mm; lunghezza 7 - 10 mm (quindi il doppio del calice).
I frutti follicoli disposti a stella al centro dei fioriIl frutto consiste in 5 follicoli eretti (lunghezza 3-5 mm) e sono disposti a stella le cui punte a maturita si aprono per far uscire i semi di forma ovale.
Questo perche l’ovario durante la crescita forma una stella.
L’origine della pianta e Europea- Caucasica. Si trova anche in Africa settentrionale e in Asia. In Italia vegeta in prevalenza nelle regioni settentrionali. Meno frequente nel Meridione e isole. Facilmente cresce sui muri, greti, rupi e luoghi rocciosi. Diffusione altitudinale : 0 – 2000 m s.l.m..

Font : Wikipedia

Hollyhock Alcea Rosea 9-25-09

Hollyhock Alcea Rosea 9-25-09

Here's how the Hollyhock Alcea Rosea I planted on August 13, 2009 look today, September 28. The seeds I sprouted are an "Indian Spring Mix," which will eventually grow on "tall flower stalks covered with single and semi-double blossoms in shades of rose, pink and white." Can't wait.

Antioch Review, The, Wntr, 2004 by Aoyama Miyuki

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Hollyhocks shrivel like crepe.

The ground dries white,
so bright I can't open my eyes

I get lost in its thin shadow and cannot pull
myself away.

A man enters through the gate.
His forehead is hot.

Inside the house, a naked baby sleeps with squinted eyes.

A small penis swells.

AOYAMA MIYUKI's first book of poetry was published in 1998 from Shicho-sha. Other poems have appeared in Collection of Linked Quatrains and Poems Against the War: Independent (anthologies), and Gendaishi-techo, and Shi-to-Shiso (mazazines), and others. She was a visiting professor at San Francisco State University in 1999-2000.

dry shade ground cover

See also:

cost of plantation shutters

canopy day bed

seashell awnings

drapes direct

discount venetian blinds

covered door blinds

retractable shades

Post je objavljen 21.10.2011. u 06:27 sati.