A flower bouquet is a collection of flowers in a creative arrangement. There are different kinds including nosegay, crescent, and cascading bouquets. Flower bouquets are often given for special occasions such as birthdays or anniversaries. They are also used extensively in weddings.
Bridget: Irish abbess; a patron saint of Ireland (453-523)
A woman on her wedding day or just before and after the event
a woman participant in her own marriage ceremony
a woman who has recently been married
Bride, flowers & butterfly
This is a photo I took as part of a series for a cold porcelain flower bouquet arranger. It was taken outdoors, with natural backlight, and the butterfly is genuine - it landed as I was taking shots, so although I had plenty without, the client actually really liked the version with the butterfly on. I used a reflector to bounce light back to fill in shadows, and also an off-camera ring-flash for additional highlights. Some minor photoshop work was done to remove a stray finger from the model, and tidy up some of the product, but overall it is as shot.
Bouquet of Wildflowers
Over the weekend I was in Jackson Hole, Wyoming to shoot a wedding. It was a super long day shot from 8:30am to 10:30pm; 58 gigs later this image caught my eye while uploading the raw files to Aperture. While taking a few pictures of the bride in the shade by the lake the father of the bride brought over some wildflowres that he picked. I just love the soft light and beautiful soft colors in the flowers.