Be in or reach an optimum stage of development; develop fully and richly
a plant cultivated for its blooms or blossoms
Induce (a plant) to produce flowers
reproductive organ of angiosperm plants especially one having showy or colorful parts
bloom: produce or yield flowers; "The cherry tree bloomed"
(of a plant) Produce flowers; bloom
Flower greetings from Napoli!
in Piazza del Gesu.
The church, also known as Trinita Maggiore, is in fact the Palace Sanseverino of the XV century given to the jesuits at the end of the XVI century and transformed in the today's building dedicated to the Virgin. Palace Sanseverino was situated in the plan of the Inferior Decumano of the old Greek-Roman city and it still keeps the ashlar facade which anticipates the Palace of Diamanti of Ferrara.
La chiesa, nota anche con il nome di Trinita Maggiore, e in realta il Quattrocentesco Palazzo Sanseverino passato ai Gesuiti alla fine del Cinquecento e trasformata nell'odierno edificio di culto dedicato all'Immacolata. Palazzo Sanseverino si trovava sul tracciato dell'antico Decumano Inferiore della citta greco-romana e tuttora conserva la facciata bugnata che anticipa il Palazzo dei Diamanti di Ferrara. (
Morning greetings...
As one of my daily activity....
Bring and pick kids up from KG.
I saw this flower on my way back home.
Just clicked and presented to you
to say....
"Hallo good morning everyone..How are you today?..." ^_^