The human body is the entire structure of a human organism, and consists of a head, neck, torso, two arms and two legs. By the time the human reaches adulthood, the body consists of close to 50 trillion cells, the basic unit of life.
alternative names for the body of a human being; "Leonardo studied the human body"; "he has a strong physique"; "the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak"
The Human Body is a 7-part BBC documentary series first shown on 20 May 1998, BBC1. Presented by Robert Winston, a medical scientist and leading commentator on medical matters, The Human Body takes the viewer into one of the most alien worlds imaginable.
The combination of qualities that form a person's temperament
Cosmetics such as lipstick or powder applied to the face, used to enhance or alter the appearance
makeup: an event that is substituted for a previously cancelled event; "he missed the test and had to take a makeup"; "the two teams played a makeup one week later"
constitution: the way in which someone or something is composed
The composition or constitution of something
constitute: form or compose; "This money is my only income"; "The stone wall was the backdrop for the performance"; "These constitute my entire belonging"; "The children made up the chorus"; "This sum represents my entire income for a year"; "These few men comprise his entire army"
Century Body Opponent Freestanding Heavy Bag, XL with Base Unit
Work the entire upper body with this realistic heavy bag! Body Opponent Heavy Bags are excellent, realistic and life-like heavybags. Excellent for home, apartment, school, and aerobic boxing. Perfect every punch and kick in your arsenal. Punch to the face, chin, body ... anywhere you'd hit your opponent. Now even more realistic for a variety of techniques. Base fills with approx. 270 lbs. of sand or water for solid and sturdy use. Made of high strength plastisol filled with urethane foam for durability. Adjustable height to accomodate multiple users. Base is rounded for easy roll location.
87% (11)
Man's quest to find the cause of the eruption that had shaken the heavenly body of Planet Babe continued apace.
When man first discovered Babe the planet still carried many secrets. Slowly and with meticulous research man discovered some of them. It remained a mystery, however, why the heavenly body shook and trembled with great force from time to time. A research team had been sent on a mission to discover the secret of the explosive force thought to originate from deep within planet babe.
All images used to create this picture from NASA open source stock except planet babe which is courtesy of yours truly.
FF photo-shoot 1
From Sunday's "Fantastic Four" photo-shoot. Top notch costumes; Margie (She-Hulk) made all of the Fantastic Four's costumes.
Tech stuff: forced perspective with foreground in focus but blurred background (created by my camera f/4.0) which made Galactus seem much bigger; masked exposure layer (darkened just the background); Topaz Adjust (pencil sketch) on the background to give it a grainy feel and texture to make the cosplayers more vibrant.
Comments? Critiques? Feedback?
human body make up
Filled with facts about every system and component and valuable information about problems, diagnostic techniques, treatments, and surgical procedures, a unique visual approach to understanding the human body emphasizes the ways individual parts of the body work together.
It's big, it's colorful, and it's got everything from your gallbladder and heart to your muscles, bones, blood and brain. Clear and helpful diagrams detail conditions from acne to malignant melanoma. This is a reassuring, easily understood text on our bodies as they exist in their ideal state, as well as common disorders and treatments. It's nice to brush up on anatomy without tests to sweat, but it's also great to have a doctor on your shelf to dispel those 3 a.m. certainties of imminent disease and doom.