(flower) a plant cultivated for its blooms or blossoms
(flower) reproductive organ of angiosperm plants especially one having showy or colorful parts
(flower) bloom: produce or yield flowers; "The cherry tree bloomed"
Be in or reach an optimum stage of development; develop fully and richly
(of a plant) Produce flowers; bloom
The Kroger Co. is an American retail supermarket chain founded by Bernard Kroger in 1883 in Cincinnati, Ohio. It reported US$ 76.7 billion in sales during fiscal year 2009.
Tuck yourself into bed and get a restful night’s sleep with a cup of our Bedtime tea. This blend is an effective combination of herbs traditionally used for centuries to promote relaxation and sleep. Valerian and organic chamomile can help calm nervousness and restlessness. St. John’s Wort is known for its positive effects on overall mood, while passion flower, used in Native American remedies, helps reduce common anxiety to support sleep. Licorice, cardamom and cinnamon add a delicious, warming flavor that’s just right for drinking before bedtime. So, relax and drink Yogi Bedtime tea—for a good night’s sleep.
88% (12)
Giant Flowered Hibiscus; 2nd Season
This is a tall, grafted pair of Hibiscus plants bought at (of all places) Kroger in 2007. It wintered indoors and thrived in spring 2008 with massive blooms. Gorgeous!
*SADLY: Dreaded little pests called 'whiteflies' may finally have done this specimen in, despite several ecologically-minded and then more powerful insecticdes. Nothing works! Very sad if we lose this plant!*
Beaded Flowers
A composition in yellow, orange and gold. The beaded flowers were a thrift store find, a bit pricey at $4, but neat none-the-less.
I found my pumpkin at our local Krogers. It's still far too warm and humid to leave ripe pumpkins out doors here in Houston.
kroger flowers
As an Assistant United States Attorney, John Kroger pursued high-profile cases against mafia killers, drug kingpins, and Enron executives. In Convictions, Kroger reveals how to flip a perp, how to conduct a cross, how to work an informant, how to placate a hostile judge. Starting from his time as a green recruit and ending at the peak of his career, he steers us through the complexities and ethical dilemmas in the life of a prosecutor, where the battle in the courtroom is only the culmination of long and intricate investigative work.