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Acne scar make up - Cargo makeup sale - How to set makeup.

Acne Scar Make Up

acne scar make up

    acne scar
  • Acne vulgaris (or acne) is a common human skin disease, characterized by areas of skin with seborrhea (scaly red skin), comedones (blackheads and whiteheads), papules (pinheads), pustules (pimples), nodules (large papules) and possibly scarring.

  • (Acne Scarring) areas of fibrous tissue that forms in response to acne. Commonly occurs with very intense acne, such as cysts and nodules.

  • (Acne Scars) Acne commonly leaves behind scars. Some scars are longer lasting and some can gradually fade away. The more severe type of acne, the more severe the scarring can be.  Acne scars come in different types. For example, there are ice pick scars, box car scars, and rolling scars.

    make up
  • Cosmetics such as lipstick or powder applied to the face, used to enhance or alter the appearance

  • makeup: an event that is substituted for a previously cancelled event; "he missed the test and had to take a makeup"; "the two teams played a makeup one week later"

  • constitution: the way in which someone or something is composed

  • The composition or constitution of something

  • constitute: form or compose; "This money is my only income"; "The stone wall was the backdrop for the performance"; "These constitute my entire belonging"; "The children made up the chorus"; "This sum represents my entire income for a year"; "These few men comprise his entire army"

  • The combination of qualities that form a person's temperament

Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants 2 vol. with DVD $120.00

Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants 2 vol. with DVD $120.00

"Discover The Complete And Up-To-Date Encyclopedia That Shows How To Use The Healing Power Of Plants With Scientific, Accurate And Reliable Accuracy"


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Tuesday, 11:24 a.m.

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In each chapter the most important plants for the treatment of the diseases of a certain organ or system appear. When a single plant has several applications, as often happens, it is included in the chapter corresponding to its main application.

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...There is detailed information on the use and preparation for each plant.

In this encyclopedia you will find...

Plants for the eyes

The ___, raw or in juices is very good for the sight and for the skin in infusions and poultices.

Plants for the nervous system

___: The flowers and the leaves of this plant taken in infusions help to control and heal stress, insomnia, depressions, alcoholism, and drug addiction.

___: This plant also calms the nerves, beautifies the skin and protects the heart, using its flowers in infusions, or adding an infusion of it to bath water is very effective for insomnia or nervousness. Steam baths of its flowers also soften and beautify the skin.

Plants for the throat

___: Its flowers and its leaves in infusions, mouth rinse, mouth gargles and compresses are medicine for tonsillitis, pharyngitis and laryngitis.

___: Anti-inflammatory and astringent, the decoction of ___ or crushed ___, may be applied in any of the following ways:

Mouth rinses and gargles for ailments of the mouth and the throat.

Eye washes or blocked up noses

Vaginal irrigations

Sitz baths, for ailments of the anus or rectum

Arm baths, for chilblains

Plants for the heart

___: In infusions and under medical supervision, all the parts of this plant have properties to strengthen the heart, increase the strength of the cardiac contractions and to fight angina pectoris.

___: The infusion of its flowers and also its fruit are very effective for the treatment of palpitations, hypertension and other nervous cardio circulatory ailments.

Plants for the arteries

____: The decoction of the leaves of this plant is a powerful vasodilator of the arteries to the brain, to fight senile ailments, ageing and memory loss. ____ that is extracted from this prodigious plant is one of the most frequently used drugs today in the treatment of failure of the blood supply to the brain, migraines, hemorrhages, etc.

____: In mexico, and many other parts of the world, infusions of ____ and their young stems are used for bronchial colds and respiratory ailments. The oil from its seeds is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, as well as in vitamin E, A, and B. Therefore, it is particularly indicated for reducing the cholesterol levels in the blood, as well as for diabetes, kidneys and skin diseases.

Plants for the veins

___: A decoction of ____ nuts or wood is indicated to fight varicose veins, hemorrhoids and the disorders of menopause, using it in decoctions. In sitz baths it also alleviates urination disorders, pertaining to the prostate syndrome, cystitis or urinary incontinence. Likewise, it can be highly advisable for cases of hemorrhoids.

____: The oil of this plant is recommended for oily skin and for cases of acne. A decoction of the bark of the young branches and the leaves is used as a medicine in the case of heavy legs, varicose veins, phlebitis, in tisanes, compresses, hip baths and friction massages.

Plants for the respiratory system

____: The decoction of the leaves and the flowers has extraordinary properties, using it in infusions or essences to calm coughs, respiratory and digestive ailments. In baths, rinses, gargles, compresses and friction massages, it heals mouth and anal ailments, rheumatism and headaches, depression, asthenia and exhaustion.

____: Infusions of the dried leaves and flowe

Solomon’s Seal ......Polygonatum biflorum

Solomon’s Seal ......Polygonatum biflorum

Magical Attributes:

Solomon's Seal aids one in making difficult decisions and accepting and seeking change. Helps in spell work to aid changing/breaking habits and helps in smooth transitions for changes beyond our control. It is also used in love potions to amplify commitment between partners and to "seal" a spell or a sacred oath or promise.

An infusion of Solomon's Seal, or incense made of Solomon's Seal root can both be used to drive away negative vibrations and malicious spirits. It can also be used to summon helpful spirits and elementals.

The root can be carried as an amulet to ward off malicious spirits and to increase wisdom.

Solomon's Seal is appropriate for use during Autumn Equinox rituals.

Although this plant is not……… Currently……. listed as endangered, the usual warnings about responsible wild crafting apply.

(I fine them to be very rare and I don’t harvest them except to propagate)

Young shoots harvested in early spring can be prepared and eaten like asparagus.
The roots should be boiled with three changes of water before being roasted and eaten.
All parts of the adult plant, especially the berries are poisonous and should not be consumed.

Solomon's Seal is named for King Solomon of Hebrew lore who was granted great wisdom by the Hebrew God and had a special seal that aided him in his magical workings, allowing him to command demons without coming to harm.

According to herbal lore, King Solomon himself placed his seal upon this plant when he recognized its great value. Those with imagination can see the seal on the root stock in the circular scars left by the stem after it dies back.

Solomon's Seal has also been traditional used to "seal" wounds.
You can estimate the plant's age by examining the rhizome. Each year the stem leaves on scar, or "seal" on the rhizome. Counting these will give you an idea of how long your plant has been alive.

Some areas list Solomon's Seal as an invasive weed.

Because this plant is so easy to grow in a shady garden bed, wild crafting is usually not necessary.

Gather the rhizomes in the fall and lay on a screen to dry in a warm, dry location with good circulation free from humidity and sunlight. Once dry, store in a cool location away from light.

Healing Attributes:
The fresh root, pounded and applied topically helps fade bruising. A decoction can also be used as a facial rinse to help fade blemishes or for poison ivy and similar skin problems.

An infusion can be used for profuse menstruation and internal bleeding, indigestion and other stomach and digestive complaints including ulcers, bowel problems and hemorrhoids. It is also said to speed the healing of broken bones. Used as a mouthwash, it is said to help strengthen gums.

Solomon's Seal root tea is a good tonic acting on the kidneys, heart and sexual organs as well as soothing the digestive system.

Oil infused with Solomon's Seal root is good to keep on hand for first aid treatment of sprains, strains and broken or bruised bones. (Not to replace, but to enhance traditional medical intervention.) Solomon's Seal root tea or tincture aids in the repair of broken bones and may be drunk after a doctor has set the break. It is also great for torn ligaments, dislocations and other issues with joints.

American Solomon's Seal, King Solomon's Seal, King Solomon's-seal, Small Solomon's Seal, Lady's Seals. St. Mary's Seal, True Solomon's Seal, Sow's Tits, Sow's Teats, Drop berry, Seal root, He Shou Wu, Mahmeda, Meda, Sealwort, Yu-zhu
Solomon's Seal is a lovely woodland perennial with native varieties in North America, Asia and Europe. It can grow up to two feet tall. (Greater Solomon's Seal is much larger than True Solomon's Seal, but they have identical properties.)

The plant consists of a single stem with many broad, ovate leaves with parallel venation arranged alternately along the length of it and clasping the base. The plant often grows in a slight arc and the flowers dangle from the leaf axils beneath the arc of the stem. (This gives the plant its folk name "sow's teats")

The flowers are small, white to pale yellowish green and tubular and occur in drooping clusters of two to five. Blooming begins in April and continues through midsummer. The berries appear as the flowers fade and resemble a hard black pea.
The root is a rhizome and it is said that the circular scar left by the stem after it breaks away from the root resembles the seal of Solomon of Hebrew folklore. (Also known as the Star of David.)

Solomon’s Seal Polygonatum biflorum is an elegant plant that is Native to North America. The slender, arching stems have alternating lance-shaped leaves that are either green or tipped with white. The small, tubular white flowers dangle underneath the leaves. More mature plants tend to have more flowers and are a bit showier. But it’s the plant form that makes Solomon’s Seal such an interesting plant.

"Solomon's Seal”, especially the root, i

acne scar make up

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Post je objavljen 20.10.2011. u 11:40 sati.