(airbrush) paint with an airbrush; "The old car looks like new now that we airbrushed it"
Paint with an airbrush
Alter or conceal (a photograph or a detail in one) using an airbrush
An airbrush is a small, air-operated tool that sprays various media including ink and dye, but most often paint by a process of nebulization. Spray guns developed from the airbrush and are still considered a type of airbrush.
Represent or describe (someone or something) as better or more beautiful than they in fact are
(airbrush) an atomizer to spray paint by means of compressed air
serving an esthetic rather than a useful purpose; "cosmetic fenders on cars"; "the buildings were utilitarian rather than decorative"
Designed or serving to improve the appearance of the body, esp. the face
Involving or relating to treatment intended to restore or improve a person's appearance
a toiletry designed to beautify the body
serving an aesthetic purpose in beautifying the body; "cosmetic surgery"; "enhansive makeup"
Affecting only the appearance of something rather than its substance
Bridal Look
Another airbrushed natural look for a bride-to-be! All MAC Products used.
** No digital retouching **
Airbrush art on the rear of a Suzuki 1400 Intruder.