Steering Wheel Spinner Knob
a handwheel that is used for steering
The wheel of a ship is the modern method of adjusting the angle of the rudder, in turn changing the direction of the boat or ship. It is also called the helm, together with the rest of the steering mechanism.
A steering wheel (also called a driving wheel or hand wheel) is a type of steering control in vehicles and vessels (ships and boats).
A wheel that a driver rotates in order to steer a vehicle
Free spinning device clamped to the steering wheel which gives a person who is steering with only one hand a grip to adequately turn and control the steering wheel.
Louet Elite Drumcarder
This carder was designed for the spinners who want to be able to perform a range of techniques on their carder. There are many new features - The carding cloth for one. The teeth are made with finer wire and the spacing is closer than the Classic Drumcarder. The licker-in drum has a short needle carding cloth that is spirally attached to it so it can efficiently feed a variety of fibers onto the large drum. The licker-in drum can be adjusted closer to or further from the swift drum depending on the fibers you are carding using the adjusting knobs. There are two in feed speeds so you can blend different fibers with ease without fibers gulping on or getting damaged. There is also an in feed tray that you use to stage the order that you feed the fibers and colors on. The carder is designed to do a range of tasks - it can perform basic carding tasks, blending colors and it can also easily blend a variety of fibers into batts. If you want a versatile drumcarder - this is the one.
Only in Idaho
This guy was parked at the Chevron in Blackfoot, Idaho this morning. At first I thought it was a convertible, but then I saw he had merely cut the roof off his Buick. The front tire was wedged between the front seats, the rear tire was tied with twine to what was left of his bumper, the tie-downs on the handlebars were hooked to the window frames. He had a "spinner" knob on the steering wheel. Also, the car is available, there was a For Sale sign in the front window (I don't know if the bike comes with it). Only in Idaho.