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Clear Tongue Rings

Clear tongue rings - Bubble around belly button ring.

clear tongue rings

  • Sound (a note) distinctly on a wind instrument by interrupting the air flow with the tongue

  • a mobile mass of muscular tissue covered with mucous membrane and located in the oral cavity

  • articulate by tonguing, as when playing wind instruments

  • lick or explore with the tongue

  • Lick or caress with the tongue

  • completely; "read the book clear to the end"; "slept clear through the night"; "there were open fields clear to the horizon"

  • So as to be out of the way of or away from

  • So as not to be obstructed or cluttered

  • the state of being free of suspicion; "investigation showed that he was in the clear"

  • With clarity; distinctly

  • readily apparent to the mind; "a clear and present danger"; "a clear explanation"; "a clear case of murder"; "a clear indication that she was angry"; "gave us a clear idea of human nature"

  • Each of a series of resonant or vibrating sounds signaling an incoming telephone call

  • (ring) sound loudly and sonorously; "the bells rang"

  • A telephone call

  • gymnastic apparatus consisting of a pair of heavy metal circles (usually covered with leather) suspended by ropes; used for gymnastic exercises; "the rings require a strong upper body"

  • An act of causing a bell to sound, or the resonant sound caused by this

  • (ring) a characteristic sound; "it has the ring of sincerity"

clear tongue rings - Tongue Cleaner

Tongue Cleaner

Tongue Cleaner

The Tongue Cleaner is scientifically designed to effectively clean the tongue, especially the important hard to clean rear dorsal portion of the tongue that is very susceptible to the accumulation of plaque during sleep. This effective cleaning removes the cause of the bad breath problem rather than simply treating the symptoms with mouthwash and breath aids. Effectively cleaning the tongue is as important as flossing and brushing your teeth to maintain fresh breath and a clean healthy mouth and gums. The Tongue Cleaner is the impressive addition to your daily oral care regimen. You remove the prime cause of bad breath, restore your taste sensation and improve your oral hygiene. Enjoy a clean, fresh, healthy mouth.You'll be amazed at how quick and easy The Tongue Cleaner is to use. Once you have used it for a few days, you won't be without it.

77% (17)

(Charles Whymper) Trinity College

(Charles Whymper) Trinity College

The staff of Trinity College in Dublin feature prominently in the following court case:

On the 12th of December, 1864, Dublin society was abuzz with excitement. A tidbit of scandal which had long been rolled on the tongue in semi-privacy was to be discussed in open court, and all women and a good many men were agog with curiosity and expectation.
The story itself was highly spiced and all the actors in it well known.

A famous doctor and oculist, recently knighted for his achievements, was the real defendant. He was married to a woman with a great literary reputation as a poet and writer who was idolized by the populace for her passionate advocacy of Ireland's claim to self-government; "Speranza" was regarded by the Irish people as a sort of Irish Muse.

The young lady bringing the action was the daughter of the professor of medical jurisprudence at Trinity College, who was also the chief at Marsh's library.

It was said that this Miss Travers, a pretty girl just out of her teens, had been seduced by Dr. Sir William Wilde while under his care as a patient. Some went so far as to say that chloroform had been used, and that the girl had been violated.

The doctor was represented as a sort of Minotaur: lustful stories were invented and repeated with breathless delight; on all faces, the joy of malicious curiosity and envious denigration.

The interest taken in the case was extraordinary: the excitement beyond comparison; the first talents of the Bar were engaged on both sides; Serjeant Armstrong led for the plaintiff, helped by the famous Mr. Butt, Q.C., and Mr. Heron, Q.C., who were in turn backed by Mr. Hamill and Mr. Quinn; while Serjeant Sullivan was for the defendant, supported by Mr. Sidney, Q.C., and Mr. Morris, Q.C., and aided by Mr. John Curran and Mr. Purcell.

The Court of Common Pleas was the stage; Chief Justice Monahan presiding with a special jury. The trial was expected to last a week, and not only the Court but the approaches to it were crowded.
To judge by the scandalous reports, the case should have been a criminal case, should have been conducted by the Attorney-General against Sir William Wilde; but that was not the way it presented itself. The action was not even brought directly by Miss Travers or by her father, Dr. Travers, against Sir William Wilde for rape or criminal assault, or seduction. It was a civil action brought by Miss Travers, who claimed ?2,000 damages for a libel written by Lady Wilde to her father, Dr. Travers. The letter complained of ran as follows:--

Tower, Bray, May 6th.
Sir, you may not be aware of the disreputable conduct of your daughter at Bray where she consorts with all the low newspaper boys in the place, employing them to disseminate offensive placards in which my name is given, and also tracts in which she makes it appear that she has had an intrigue with Sir William Wilde. If she chooses to disgrace herself, it is not my affair, but as her object in insulting me is in the hope of extorting money for which she has several times applied to Sir William Wilde with threats of more annoyance if not given, I think it right to inform you, as no threat of additional insult shall ever extort money from our hands. The wages of disgrace she has so basely treated for and demanded shall never be given her.
Jane F. Wilde.

To Dr. Travers.
The summons and plaint charged that this letter written to the father of the plaintiff by Lady Wilde was a libel reflecting on the character and chastity of Miss Travers, and as Lady Wilde was a married woman, her husband Sir William Wilde was joined in the action as a co-defendant for conformity.

The defences set up were:--
First, a plea of "No libel": secondly, that the letter did not bear the defamatory sense imputed by the plaint: thirdly, a denial of the publication, and, fourthly, a plea of privilege. This last was evidently the real defence and was grounded upon facts which afforded some justification of Lady Wilde's bitter letter.

It was admitted that for a year or more Miss Travers had done her uttermost to annoy both Sir William Wilde and his wife in every possible way. The trouble began, the defence stated, by Miss Travers fancying that she was slighted by Lady Wilde. She thereupon published a scandalous pamphlet under the title of "Florence Boyle Price, a Warning; by Speranza," with the evident intention of causing the public to believe that the booklet was the composition of Lady Wilde under the assumed name of Florence Boyle Price. In this pamphlet Miss Travers asserted that a person she called Dr. Quilp had made an attempt on her virtue. She put the charge mildly. "It is sad," she wrote, "to think that in the nineteenth century a lady must not venture into a physician's study without being accompanied by a bodyguard to protect her."

Miss Travers admitted that Dr. Quilp was intended for Sir William Wilde; indeed she ident

FTX & Promotion

FTX & Promotion

[20:13] Heather Warcliffe walks about whistling strolling through the rolling hills. the mild thump of bass can be heard in the distance from the TZ. She was feelin fine as she walked and declaired outloud "I sure hope I don't get raped tonight. That would be a total downer"

[20:14] Ewan Gant leaps from the adjacent hillside to land next to the firey redhead. "You rang?" he asks with a devious smirk.

[20:15] Heather Warcliffe: "I did not, you silly bald man. Now creep back to the shadows or I will smack you about the face." she says with a firm nod

[20:19] Ewan Gant grins wider, loving the ones who put up a good fight. He pushes the glasses atop his head, revealing lecherous eyes. "OH, smack me baby...the harder you hit, the harder I hit."

[20:21] Heather Warcliffe "Very well you creep prepair to feel my wrath" She says before reaching back before letting her open hand fly towards the man's cheek. This oughta learn 'im

[20:23] Ewan Gant turns his head just slightly to take the slap, the toothpick flying from his mouth with the force. He reaches up a hand to his cheek and drags his tongue along his lower lip at her. "Well well, gotta little FIRE in there, doncha?" He moves closer then, and reaches painfully fast with the hand on his cheek to try and grab her throat. "Wanna do it again?"

[20:24] Triana Mills glances over to Dani, reaching up to brush a strand of hair aside. "So we have another possible recruit?"

[20:25] Daniella Svoboda: "Three, actually. Never can get enough folks on th' street."

[20:25] Heather Warcliffe She couldn't believe this. how dare he not run crying after getting slapped. she make a slight "grrk"' sound as her throat was clentched and she went with the default responce of throwing a knee upwards towards his groin type area

[20:26] Triana Mills nods slowly, glancing out the doors at the crowded streets. "The Officer to citizen ratio is definitely off in this city. But hopefully after tonight, I can help fix that."

[20:27] Ewan Gant jerks to the left with just his lower body, twisting just enough to take the knee to the leg instead. With a grunt, he tightens his grip with the one hand, while reaching for her waistband with his right. "Why is it you bitches never think we expect a nut shot? Stupid, stupid girl..."

[20:28] Daniella Svoboda reaches up, pats her on the shoulder. "No worries, love. You'll do fine." She smiles reassuringly.

[20:30] Triana Mills smiles down at her Captain, nodding. "If you say I'll do well, Captain, then I believe it." She sighs softly, more out of habit than of need, raising her arms above her head in a stretch. "So...this FTX does it usually work?"

[20:30] Heather Warcliffe struggles and flails about as he reaches for her awesome jeans. Her air was starting to be cut off making her a little lightheaded as she tried to gather up enough air to let out a "EEEEEEEEEEEEK HELP!"

[20:31] Ewan Gant deftly works at unfastening her belt, and grins, but silently wonders why this chick hasn't used her hands again. Ah well, with a well trained leg, he tries a foot sweep, hoping to take her feet out from under her and follow her to the ground.

[20:31] Daniella Svoboda grins, says "We do what we would usually do on th' street. If'n you die or get me killed, you lose." She winks, says "Just kiddin'." She hears the scream, says "C'mon, we'd better respond."

[20:33] Triana Mills laughs softly at the Captain's joke. But her expression turns serious at the sound of a scream, and she nods. "Yes ma'am." Her hand lowers toward her firearm, but she doesn't draw it. She wasn't an officer yet, and firing on a citizen might well just be the opposite of what was needed here.

[20:34] Daniella Svoboda nods, runs towards the scene, says "Keep close behind me an' follow my lead."

[20:35] Heather Warcliffe was more concentrating on screaming for help and the leg sweep came out took her completely by surpise, and she landed with a thud on her back smacking the back of her head pretty good on the ground

[20:37] Ewan Gant drops down with her, and tries to land in a straddle over her knees. "The bigger they are the harder they fall,'re what, a buck twenty? Look how easy you went down...c'mon...shush up now," he says, releasing her throat to have two hands to work on releiving her of her pants.

[20:38] Triana Mills takes up a brisk jog behind Dani, her eyes narrowing as she looks over the surrounding area. "Yes ma'am."

[20:40] Heather Warcliffe takes in a deep breath as her throat was released. her bell got rung pretty well and she was grogy "113 you asshole" she mumbled as he over exaggerated her weight, the bastard and she tried to kick at him to get him away.

[20:41] Ewan Gant sits back on

clear tongue rings

clear tongue rings

Tongue: A Novel

An erotically charged, elegantly written novel that marks the first publication in English of author Kyung-Ran Jo, a literary star in Korea who has earned comparisons to Haruki Murakami.
Emotionally raw and emphatically sensual, Tongue is the story of the demise of an obsessive romance and a woman’s culinary journey toward self-restoration and revenge. When her boyfriend of seven years leaves her for another woman, the celebrated young chef Jung Ji-won shuts down the cooking school she ran from their home and sinks into deep depression, losing her will to cook, her desire to eat, and even her ability to taste. Returning to the kitchen of the I talian restaurant where her career first began, she slowly rebuilds her life, rediscovering her appreciation of food, both as nourishment and as sensual pleasure. She also starts to devise a plan for a final, vengeful act of culinary seduction.
Tongue is a voluptuous, intimate story of a gourmet relying on her food-centric worldview to emerge from heartbreak; a mesmerizing, delicately plotted novel at once shocking and profoundly familiar.

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Post je objavljen 01.09.2011. u 18:38 sati.