- Join together (metal pieces or parts) by heating the surfaces to the point of melting with a blowpipe, electric arc, or other means, and uniting them by pressing, hammering, etc
- Forge (an article) by such means
- Unite (pieces of plastic or other material) by melting or softening of surfaces in contact
- (weld) join together by heating; "weld metal"
- (weld) dyer's rocket: European mignonette cultivated as a source of yellow dye; naturalized in North America
- (weld) United States abolitionist (1803-1895)
- Mentally prepare (oneself) to do or face something difficult
- an alloy of iron with small amounts of carbon; widely used in construction; mechanical properties can be varied over a wide range
- get ready for something difficult or unpleasant
- cover, plate, or edge with steel
- An act of causing a bell to sound, or the resonant sound caused by this
- A telephone call
- (ring) sound loudly and sonorously; "the bells rang"
- Each of a series of resonant or vibrating sounds signaling an incoming telephone call
- gymnastic apparatus consisting of a pair of heavy metal circles (usually covered with leather) suspended by ropes; used for gymnastic exercises; "the rings require a strong upper body"
- (ring) a characteristic sound; "it has the ring of sincerity"
ring welding steel-brazed brass copper steel parts-Amber4mm crudshed lapis lazuli epoxy inlay ring size 7.25
I used steel as bottom plate for brazing the other metals on, because the ring has to be sturdy. The epoxy inlay with the crushed lapis lazuli would crack if the ring gets deformed.
I don`t know up to now how durable such epoxy inlays are. I might make another ring and carry it around myself at work for a while.
If the ring is only used for non work activities I guess there will be no problem, as epoxy is used in jewelry making as one of the strongest adhesives.
ring stainless steel, welding steel, meteorite pieces Nantan, epoxy, lapis lazuli 4mm, red shellac, ring size 9.5
stainless steel, welding steel, meteorite pieces Nantan, epoxy, lapis lazuli 4mm, red shellac, ring size 9.5
Iron from the earth and from behind Mars together in a ring.
the Shellac is under the epoxy in the inlay and gives it a slightly dark red shimmer. It has a color similar to garnet.