Mens tungsten rings. Engagement ring costs.
This beautiful tungsten ring is 8MM in width. It is all high polish with a matte finish raised center. If you are looking for a ring that is scratch proof and forever keep its shine, than our Tungsten Carbide rings are for you. Tungsten Carbide is ranked second hardest next to diamond on the Mohs scale, diamond being a 10 followed by Tungsten Carbide as 9. All of our Tungsten rings are Cobalt Free and hypoallergenic. Our rings will not cause skin irritations or turn your fingers green. Due to the Hardness of Tungsten, these rings can be laser engraved, but not hand engraved. All ring come with a 100% Money Back Guarantee and a FREE leather ring Box.
This is Chris being silly in the kitchen after I asked her to help me test my new 1DMK4 in under low tungsten. I am pretty impressed.
ISO1600 and f5.0 @ 1/100 using a 24-105mm f4L at 50mm.
AEC was set to minus 1/3 out of habit from my 1DsMK3, but that turned out to be a mistake. WB was set to tungsten, and the 580EX2 had a half CTO gell but was set at it's default with e-TTL.
I had to raise exposure in ACR the third stop I'd underexposed with AEC, but otherwise, this is how it came out of the camera.
I don't like doing evening gigs, but have one next month, and will feel a whole lot happier with the new body.
I was given a roll of a similar film this evening (thanks Brian!) and wanted to post what it looks like xpro'ed. Not sure why I didn't publish this image, I kinda like these oddball trees.
Mamiya 645 pro
Mir 26 45mm 3.5/f
Kodak Ektachrome 64 Tungsten
Unicolor C41 Kit - Xpro
Epson 4490
This beautiful Black tungsten carbide ring is 8MM in width and comfort fit. It has a matte finish center that is grooved and high polish beveled edges. If you are looking for a ring that is scratch proof and forever keep its shine, than our Tungsten Carbide rings are for you. Tungsten Carbide is ranked second hardest next to diamond on the Mohs scale, diamond being a 10 followed by Tungsten Carbide as 9. All of our Tungsten rings are Cobalt Free and hypoallergenic. Our rings will not cause skin irritations or turn your fingers green. Due to the Hardness of Tungsten, these rings can be laser engraved, but not hand engraved. All ring come with a 100% Money Back Guarantee and a FREE leather ring Box.