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January Birthstone Rings


january birthstone rings

  • A gemstone popularly associated with the month or astrological sign of one's birth

  • Any of twelve gemstones traditionally associated with the month of one's birth; Any of a similar list of less costly substitutes

  • A birthstone is a gift of a precious material (jewelry, mainly gemstones; themselves traditionally associated with various qualities) that symbolizes the month of birth in the Gregorian calendar. It is sometimes also called birthday stone (cf.

  • (Birthstones) Each month has a particular gemstone associated with it, called a birthstone.

  • The first month of the year, in the northern hemisphere usually considered the second month of winter

  • January is the first book in the Countdown series by Daniel Parker (b. 1970). It was first published on December 1, 1998 .

  • January is a song from British pop-rock singer-songwriter Elton John's 1997 album, The Big Picture. It is about his love for January and the fact that it brings a chance for renewal.

  • the first month of the year; begins 10 days after the winter solstice

  • Each of a series of resonant or vibrating sounds signaling an incoming telephone call

  • gymnastic apparatus consisting of a pair of heavy metal circles (usually covered with leather) suspended by ropes; used for gymnastic exercises; "the rings require a strong upper body"

  • (ring) a characteristic sound; "it has the ring of sincerity"

  • A telephone call

  • (ring) sound loudly and sonorously; "the bells rang"

  • An act of causing a bell to sound, or the resonant sound caused by this

Hessonite(Ceylone) Gemstone 11.47 Carats

Hessonite(Ceylone) Gemstone 11.47 Carats

A precious, gemstone,mainly found in Cananda, Mexico, Brazil, Tanzania, Madagascar, India, SriLanka & East Africa. Can be in different shades of colours : orange, orange/brown or reddish. It exercises influnce of various kinds, if worn in a ring on a finger or as a pendent round the neck. Generally its used as advised in connection with planet Rahu(Dragon Head)
General properties of Hessonite
Planet: Rahu
Cosmic Color: Ultraviolet
Sign: Aquarious
Element: Ether
Time: Sunset
Day: Saturday
Favourite Colour : Cola, Blue, Black
Favourite Deity : Saraswati
The Nature of Rahu
The planet Rahu relates to mind, insanity, epilepsy, fights and brickerings and fruitless wanderings here and there.
The ill-effects of Rahu can be minimized and the good effects can be increased, according to Indian mythology, by doing the following tasks. Any or all of these, one can select as per one's convenience.
Donation, in charity, of a piece of cloth of cola colour or blue, to a needy person on any Saturday, will gain favours of Rahu.
Donating in charity if possible gold or lead also appeases Rahu.
Distributing Til (sesamum seeds) and mustard oil on any Saturday is another way to please Rahu.
Offering black flowers in Hawan (Fire Sacrifices) will go a long way to appease Rahu.
Giving away of black/Cola colour blanket in winter and also use of black/Cola Colour blankets for self brings the favour of Rahu.
Deep devotion to, and worship of, Lord Hanuman with favourite Mantras, Hanuman Chalisa regularly at least for 42 days is a powerful way to appease Rahu.
Reciting Rahu's Vedic Mantra with Red Sandal or 8 Mukhi(facet)Rudraksha Bead garland is likely to bring encouraging results.
Rahu/Dragon Head
Rahu is regarded as similar to Saturn in its effect. Smoky blue is its colour.Instinctual and animalistic in nature, Rahu is interested only in achieving all that gives pleasure, and even if it achieves all it wants, it is never satisfied (which is true of our animalistic nature). Although Rahu rules no sign of the zodiac, the zodiacal sign Virgo is its sign. Virgo is in fact assigned to Mercury, but Rahu being akin to Saturn and Mercury being a friend of Saturn, Rahu thus has authority over Virgo. Friendly signs are Gemini, Virgo, Libra. Cancer and Leo are its enemy signs. Mercury, Venus, and Saturn are friendly planets. Rahu is an enemy of Sun, Moon and Jupiter. Rahu gives auspicious results in Taurus and Libra. Rahu is capable of giving power when rightly posited or exalted and it gives fame, success in politics, money, and physical beauty (i.e., attraction).
Rahu is most effective between a person's forty-two and forty-eight years of age. Although it gives beneficial results while posited in the above-mentioned signs and houses, the gains obtained during its major period do not last long and one always feels anxious and dissatisfied, even if one gets everything one desires. Rahu creates physical and mental illnesses that cannot be diagnosed and cured easily.It produces suicidal tendencies, fears, phobias, poisonous bites, murder, theft, imprisonment, and diseases like cholera, dysentery, skin diseases, swelling of the uterus and constipation.
Dragon Head/Rahu Mantra to Chant
Ardha-kayam maha-veerayam Chandra-Aditiya-vimardhanam !
Simhika-garbha sambhoottam tam Rahum pran-maamya-ham !!
Gemstone for Rahu: Hessonite/Gomedh
A good-quality hessonite, the gemstone of Rahu, is one that reflects a nice honey color. Zircon has a considerable range of colors and is found in red, blue, green, yellow, orange, and brown shades but is not gomedh/hessonite. Blue and green hessonite or the white colorless variety of hessonite is not associated with Rahu. A pure and transparent hessonite having a delicate hue, brilliance, lustre, and uniform color neutralizes the evil effects of Rahu, and if Rahu is well posited it gives beneficial results during its major period and sub-periods, removes fear, creates clarity of mind, and helps spiritual growth.
Rahu is a spiritually inclined planet. When it is well-placed, the native usually has very strong spiritual tendencies, desire to do good to others and detachment from material goals. It is very influential and respected in society.
This gemstone helps to prevent the following diseases and conditions:
Cancer, fears, phobias, undiagnosable illnesses, poisons.
Effects of wearing Hessonite/Gomedh:
If Rahu is powerful in a person's horoscope, it causes many diseases, like mental strain, disturbance in abdomen. One afflicted by Rahu faces hindrances in his business, struggles in life, continuous shortage of money,career, discourd between husband and wife, a situation of divorce and nightmares.
Hessonite gemstone is also useful to those who want to get success in law practice, court affairs, government service, political sphere, gambling or any unsocial, illegal activities. Enemies can't stand long before the wea

Day 17 - A pressie for Katie

Day 17 - A pressie for Katie

I got Katie a ring, she's been dropping hints for months about having a ring to celebrate the birth of Bit so I've got one and she likes it (not surprising she chose it). I'm not sure when i'm going to give it her, something tells me that she might have her hands full while giving birth.

january birthstone rings

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Post je objavljen 31.08.2011. u 17:07 sati.