The ENIGMA-8MM from our ETERNAL BOND collection is a 8mm Black Tungsten Carbide Flat Wedding Band Ring. Imagine wearing a ring that never needs polishing, a ring that is virtually scratch proof. Tungsten carbide rings are the future. With rugged looks and a modern design our Tungsten carbide rings are prefect as a wedding band or as a fashion accessory. Tungsten carbide is 4 times harder than titanium. Rated between 8 and 9 on the Mohs scale the hardest of which is diamond being rated a 10. Completely hypoallergenic our tungsten carbide rings will never turn your finger green or cause irritation to your skin. If you need a durable yet elegant ring this is for you.
DailyShoot assignment #292: Make a photograph of one of the least expensive things that you cherish.
This might just be the cheapest wedding ring out there, but we were dirt poor college students at the time. Without a doubt, here is an example of "it's the thought that counts." I cherish it.
(I'd say forgive the cheesiness of going the wedding-ring-route for this, but when you put "cherish" in the assignment, you're asking for it...)
Most images I put up are licensed under creative commons as Attribution + Noncommercial + NoDerivatives (by-nc-nd). However, you may not upload *any* images to Facebook, Twitpic or other photo-sharing platforms without my express permission. It goes against the licensing, plus it's just reasonable to ask first.
So here is the second part of "Wedding rings" ;)
Tried a square crop and i liked it.. :)
On both pics half of the head of the bride is cut off but i kinda liked this (and there is not much more on the picture because my cousin took those..)
Somehow it reduces the picture to her smile and the rings and both hands..
So my 100-400 is sold and i'm thinking about a new lens.. let's see ;)
Or maybe 16GB of RAM.. (quite cheap at the moment)..