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SystemExplorer, technician's best friend A

SystemExplorer, technician's best friend A

As the title says, SystemExplorer is the computer technician's best friend ... with basic English, to be exact. Indeed, SystemExplorer is not currently in our language, but do not let that influence us and see a bit of what it is.

At first glance one might say that is not a new method by which computers are not even fend for themselves a system to wriggle out of work, so how can help in their daily lives to a computer technician or an advanced user who want to have everything under control?

Easy, bringing together in one program and no installation required, many of the major utilities to diagnose and troubleshoot Windows.

And what are these utilities?

Process Viewer

It's a classic that can never fail, though Windows already allows you to see it from the Task Manager. Of course, bring some added quite challenged such as the ability to find information on certain process on the Internet, upload the file to to examine for virus or go to your folder.


Do you have trouble uninstalling programs? Do you appear in the list of programs installed programs that you do not have in the system? From the tab Uninstallers you uninstall applications, delete the invalid entries, visit the registry entry that references the uninstaller and get information about it.

Open files

Do you suspect that a program can be playing so it should not? From the tab Opened Files show you all the files that are in use at that time.

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Post je objavljen 03.03.2011. u 05:23 sati.