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Započeti priču još od dinosaurusa
kako su baš ovdje plazili svoje ožednjele jezike
prije negoli će naići kiše s Pacifika
bilo bi svetogrđe za dušu Stanley Parka
i uvreda za nestašne vjeverice
što su me gostoljubivo dočekale
onog svibanjskog prohladnog jutra

Pokazaše mi uglavnom stoljetna debla
s kojih su brižljive ruke sasjekle krošnje
i ona vitka u nebo stršeća stabla
i indijanske toteme koje su s predumišljajem
izrezbarili potomci kapetana
Georgea Vancouvera
i Aquarium s atraktivnom točkom
izdresiranih kitova
Paviljon i ovijeće memorial gardensa
i trostazni Lion's Gate Bridge
i zlatnu zrnad pijeska Third Beacha

No nitko me nije prethodno upozorio
na vjeverice na ta predivna stvorenja
jer one su odmah dohrlile i poskakale
na ruke mi na ispružene grane moga tijela
i tako su makar i na tren
postale bljesak praiskona u Stanley Parku.

(Vancouver, 30. 6, 1986.)



Beginning the story with the dinosaurs
stretching out their parched
tongues right here before the rain comes
in from the Pacific would be a profanation
of the spirit of Stanley Park
and an offence to the wanton squirrels
that gave me such a cordial welcome
that chilly morning in May

They showed me mainly the age-old logs
their crowns lopped by tender hands
and those slender trunks rearing to the sky
the totem poles carved in premeditation
by the posterity of Captain George Vancouver
and the Aquariuma featuring
its performiug whales
the Pavilion and the flowers
of the memorial gardens
and the three lane Lion's Gate Bridge
the golden grains of sand along Third Beach

But no one gave me prior warning
of the squirrels those marvellous creatures
for they came thronging up at once and leapt
upon my arms the outstretched branches
of my body and ifforjust one instant
became a flash of the primeval in Stauley Park.

(Vancouver, June 30, 1988)

Post je objavljen 26.01.2011. u 17:00 sati.