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21.1.2011. U sHkOlI (in school)

U mojoj skoli su dva likusa u koje sam zacopana. (necu ih zvati pravim imenima)
Jedan ide u moj raz a drugi ide u 8. raz. ovog sto ide samnom u raz nazvat cu ....... Leon, a ovoga shto ide u 8. cu nazvat .... marko .....
Svaki odmor ja i moje naj frendice idemo na cw i tamo pricamo. A kad on prodje.....Onda se ukipim....Pricam o Marku.
Cijele dane ga gledam u skoli,,,,...5. sat smo imali TZK i na kraju sata dosao on s nekoliko njegovih frendova, a mi taman trcali neku usranu stafetu.... Ja sam bila -dead- totalno....kad sam dosla k sebi bila sam na redu za trcanje i Boga mi trcala sam najbolje sto sam mogla... Onda sam osla kuc i pojela nesto i u 2 nazad u skolu na njemacki... E tamo pocinje sve s Leonom. Imali smo za zadacu napraviti neki sastavak na njemackom o jednom danu u tjednu...
ja sam napisala najmanje jer sam krivo razumjela zadatak.... Leon me odjednom poceo ispitivat zast sam napisala tak malo... Ispricala sam mu, a on je rekao zasto ne kazem profi zast sam tak malo napisala... kad je zvonilo trebali smo predat biljeznice, a on opet :"Sta ti je rekla?" kazem ja njemu ne znam, sacekaj i on je cekao i kad sam joj rekla on je sve cuo i otisao... u zadnje vrijeme stalno prica samnom mislim da se i on zacopo-.-. kada smo zavrsili s nastavom Marko je bio s njegovom ekipom blizu skole, a ja i moja frendica smo morale proci pored njih i to 2 metra od njih.. 20 sekundi nakon sto smo prosle pored njih pukla sam se smijat... mislim da su me oni svi cudno pogledali... tak da sam cijele dane sada grozno jer nzm sta da radim!!!!!!! HELP ppl

In my school there are two guys that i love.(I wont call them with real names)
One goes in my class and the other is going in the 8th class, the guy that is going in my class, I`ll call Leon, and the one that is going in 8th I`ll call Mark.
Each breakeme and my besties go to the toilet and talk there. When he passes.....Then I just freeze....Talking bout Mark.I watch him all day in the school. 5th hour we had PE, and at the end of an hour he came on with a few of his mates, and we just ran a shitty relay...I was-completely-dead .... when I came to myself I was on the line for running and my God, I ran the best that I could...Then I went home and ate something and im 2 back to school on German ... where everything begins with Leon. We had to do some homework essay in German about the one day of the week ...
I have written at least because I misunderstood the task .... Leon suddenly began investigating why I wrote so little ...
I told him, and he said why dont you tell a professor why you wrote so little ... when rung we should handed over the notebook, and he again raised the question:"What did she said?"I tell him I do not know, just wait and he waited, and when I told her it was all he heard and went ... lately he constantly talk with me. I think that he fell in love with me.-.-.
When we finished teaching Mark was with his team near the school, and me and my my friend, we had to pass by them and to 2 feet of them .. 20 seconds after we passed by them, I began to laugh ... I think they looked at me strange ... so I'm terrible all day because I do not know what to do !!!!!!! HELP ppl

Post je objavljen 23.01.2011. u 15:40 sati.