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Sve se ovo zbivalo uglavnom poslije Krista
kad su na svom dugom putu
umorne horde hodočasnika
posrtale podno mrtvo obješenih oblaka
omamljene svjetlošću nenaslućenih blagdana
na djevičanskom krilu pramajke Zemlje

Moj hod je slijedio njihove tragove
dok su podivljali vjetrovi u to vrijeme
posvuda raznosili krpe rastrganih kumulusa
otkrivajući modre dragulje neba

Potom sam se preselio u gordost meni najdražeg
konja u Exhibition Parku kojem su okrutni jahači
bičevali ime Top Graduate
i koji je njihovu pohlepu za brzom zaradom
sve više pretvarao u moje nevolje

Tako se nisam udomio ni na suncu Pacifika
jer strahomori bijahu nevidljivi ali ipak
prisutni pri svakoj mojoj kretnji s namjerom
da se približim vrevi Hastings streeta
i čudesima dobrog starine Woodward'sa.

(Vancouver, 24. 7. 1988.)

* - Woodward's je stara robna kuća u poslovnom centu
Vancouvera, za koju je, nekoliko godina kasnije, autor
čuo da je srušena upravo zbog svoje dotrajalosti.


All this took place largely after Christ
when on their long journey
the weary hordes of pilgrims
stumbled below the dead hung clouds
baited by the light of undreamed of feast days
on the virgin lap of ancient mother Earth

My path went in their footsteps
while the winds went wild at that time
sending rags of torn cumulus hither and thither
laying bare the blue jewels of heaven
Then I transmigrated to the pride
of a favourite horse at Exhibition Park
In which the callous riders
whipped the name of Top Graduate
their greed for the fast buck turning it
increasingly into my trouble

Thus I could not settle either in the Pacific sun
for the nightmares were if invisible yet still
there at every step I took intending
to approach the throng of Hastings Street
and the marvels of good old Woodward’s.

(Vancouver, July 24, 1988)

Post je objavljen 23.01.2011. u 11:54 sati.