Išli smo na bokovo. Bilo je puno djece. Krenuli smo u 7 sati. Biokovo kad ga gledaš iz daleka izgleda kao jedna velika stjena, ali zapravo to je jedno prekrasno mjesto gdje se na samom vrhu nalazi crkva Sv. Jure. Vidi se more, otok Brač i sva brda i ljepota tog kraja. Kad smo se vraćali išli smo u svetište Gospe od Veprica. Bilo je prekrasno i svima preporučujem ako budu imali priliku da odu u Vepric i na Biokovo da to i urade.
We went to the Biokovo mountain, there were lots of children. When you are looking at the Biokovo from afar it looks like a large rock, but actually it is a wonderful place where is the church of St. Jure locuted. From there you can see the sea, the island of Brač, and all hills and beauty of that area. When we got back we went to the shrine of Our Lady of Vepric. It was wonderful and I recommend to everyone if they have a chance to go to Vepric and the mountain Biokovo thay should wisit.