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Danas u Hrvatskom Saboru

Ono sto bi u ovdasnjoj Hrvatskoj trebalo zaprepastavati, mozda i nije njeno sadasnje drustveno rasulo, vec nepostojanje bilo kakvog valjanog istrazivanja njegove uzrocnosti.
Dok slinava „Oporba“ smislja svrgnuce Kurta da uzjase Murta, vladajuca Oligarhija , kao da iz dana u dan smisljeno vodi zemlju prema onoj tocci kriznog zarista u kojem se rastapaju sve predpostavke daljnjeg „demokrastskog“ koncenzusa.

Danasnje Saborsko izglasavanje proracuna za 2011., dok ga oporba predhodno napusta, kao da ocrtava prve obrise „kriznog“ puca, pozeljnog uvodjenja vanrednog stanja, ukidanja „demokratskog pristanka“ i konacnu konsolidalizaciju vladajuceg HDZ-a, vecinski izraslog iz bivseg SKH-e, i povratku prirasle mu jednopartijske diktature
Rijecima Susan Sontag:
„Koristenje pojma „rak“ u politickom diskursu potice fatalizam i opravdava „okrutne“ mjere – jednako kao sto i osnazuje sveprisutnu pomisao da je ta bolest neizbjezno neizljerciva. Koncept bolesti nikad nije nevin. Ipak, moguce je tvrditi da su metafore raka, same po sebi, implicitno genocidne.“

Today in the Croatian Parliament

What would be a need in the local astonishment, perhaps not its present social decay, but the absence of any valid studies of its causation.
While snotty "opposition" comes up with popular saing “to overturn Kurto by replacing Murto”, ruling oligarchy, like that from day to day deliberately leading the country toward that a crisis which will melt any further assumptions of "democratical" consensus.

Today's votes on the budget for 2011. in Parlament, while the opposition walked out, as it delineates the contours of the first "crisis" shoot, a desirable state of emergency, the abolition of the "democratic consent" and finally consolidating ruling HDZ, the former majority grown from Croatian komunist Party, and the return earned him one-party dictatorship.

In the words of Susan Sontag:
"Using the term “cancer” in the political discourse encourages fatalism and justify" harsh "measures - just as ubiquitous and reinforces the notion that the disease become inevitably incurable. The concept of disease is never innocent. However, it is possible to argue that the metaphor of cancer, in itself, is implicitly genocidal. "

Today in the Croatian Parliament

What would be a need in the local astonishment, perhaps not its present social decay, but the absence of any valid studies of its causation.
While snotty "opposition" comes up with popular saing “to overturn Kurto by replacing Murto”, ruling oligarchy, like that from day to day deliberately leading the country toward that a crisis which will melt any further assumptions of "democratical" consensus.

Today's votes on the budget for 2011. in Parlament, while the opposition walked out, as it delineates the contours of the first "crisis" shoot, a desirable state of emergency, the abolition of the "democratic consent" and finally consolidating ruling HDZ, the former majority grown from Croatian komunist Party, and the return earned him one-party dictatorship.

In the words of Susan Sontag:
"Using the term “cancer” in the political discourse encourages fatalism and justify" harsh "measures - just as ubiquitous and reinforces the notion that the disease become inevitably incurable. The concept of disease is never innocent. However, it is possible to argue that the metaphor of cancer, in itself, is implicitly genocidal. "

Post je objavljen 23.11.2010. u 21:28 sati.