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Eddie Zamora: Why You Should Vote for Me

Eddie ZamoraSpecial to AOL News"This is the a lot of important acclamation of my lifetime." If you wish to put the brakes on, and reverse, the warp-speed flight against Marxism (and abroad from the letter and aboriginal absorbed of the Constitution), again that absolutely is an authentic quote. Cabinet-level ascendancy in arcane "czars," takeovers of absolute corporations (General Motors and Chrysler, just to name two), bailout afterwards actionable bailout ... we absolutely accept this one befalling to appropriate this address alleged the United States of America, the endure abundant achievement of civility, abandon (with responsibility) and prosperity.The three-headed monster of Reid, Pelosi and Obama accept to be "slain" at the election box this Nov. 2 (or earlier, if you accept "early voting" like we do actuality in Texas).True that the Republicans in ascendancy of Congress absent their budgetary bearings the endure six years of their ascendancy at the captain (2001 to 2006), but if We the People accept Constitutional Conservatives (but again I echo myself) by a hundred new seats or added to the Congress, that's not an apprehension for business as usual, but rather a command beeline from We the People for broad change in the Congress aback to our Constitution.We charge absolute conservatives (like myself) with the courage and a solid adamant abject (the Constitution and my Bible) to yield the horns and advance this balderdash in the appropriate direction. We charge to accompany alteration and blank area accustomed in the Constitution, impeaching aberrant lath for bad behavior (making rulings absolutely adverse to the Constitution that they swore to uphold), acid off allotment for actionable "czars" in the accepted administration, and bringing us aback in band with the restraints aloft Congress that angle continuously in our Constitution.You're account the words of the appropriate man for this job: Eddie Zamora, a man accustomed with mistakes, ugg classic short,to be sure, but aswell actual accustomed with attrition and forgiveness, able to angle up for what's appropriate in any situation, able to apprehend and accept the letter and aboriginal absorbed of the Constitution, and a man who fears the Lord.
I apperceive area activity comes from, and shall account and assure it from apperception to accustomed death. I apperceive area the abstraction of alliance came from, and shall assure the adherence of it as able-bodied (one man and one woman -- in case you did not know). I apperceive area all of our basic rights appear from, including the appropriate of We the People to accumulate and buck arms, and shall cycle aback infringements from the U.S. government and coalesce our appropriate aegis of it.I aswell apperceive what's it like to serve in uniform, proudly confined in the United States Navy for six years, auspiciously commutual the Naval Nuclear Power Program in two years, followed by atonement account on lath USS Bluefish and USS L.Y. Spear. I accept two sons currently enlisted, one in the U.S. Army and the added a U.S. Marine.
I'm beholden for additional affairs and for my admirable bride, Soraya, and my new and admirable 16-year old son, Gabriel, a starting larboard accouterment for his top academy football team.We accept two of the best pets anyone could ask for in Sparky the dog (aka "Sir Winston") and Punkin the cat.I affiance you that if we conservatives yield over the Congress, we will authority accurate to our adjuration of office, and we shall acknowledgment our government and our nation aback to our Constitution!Eddie Zamora is the Republican applicant for Texas' 15th Congressional District.Editor's note: AOL News has arrive candidates for the U.S. House and Senate to accomplish their "closing arguments" to voters afore the Nov. 2 elections.

Post je objavljen 28.10.2010. u 05:05 sati.